New study suggests smoking may impact cognitive function

a man smoking a cigarette

While smoking has long been known to be associated with a wide variety of health problems—including cancers and heart disease—a recent study suggests it’s the root of one more: cognitive decline. Although memory problems occur later in life for assorted reasons, there’s a link between those who smoke combustible cigarettes, putting them at an increased risk by midlife. Continue reading this blog to learn more about the study and how smoking affects the brain’s ability to remember. 

The study

Although the benefits of quitting smoking are endless, a December 2022 study out of Ohio State University suggests that the sooner you quit, the better it will be for your cognitive health. 

What were the results?

The relationship between smoking and cognitive decline was analyzed using a self-reported questionnaire. Of the 136,018 participants—which included a mixture of current smokers, recent former smokers, and ex-smokers of many years over the age of 45—approximately 11% of them reported a subjective cognitive decline (SCD).

The prevalence of SCD among smokers was 1.9 times that of non-smokers in the study. For those who had quit smoking less than 10 years ago, the prevalence was 1.5 times more than non-smokers. Moreover, those who had quit over a decade ago had an SDC prevalence that was slightly above the non-smoking subjects.

Senior author Jeffrey Wing explains that the most significant group where the benefits of quitting smoking help to impact cognitive health were among the 45 to 59-year-olds. This suggests that quitting at this stage in life is paramount.

“Quitting earlier affords people greater benefits,” said Wing.

What can we take away from the study?

Regardless of how you look at the results, it’s easy to see that the benefits of quitting smoking continue to stack up. While you reduce the risk of conditions such as respiratory or cardiovascular diseases, you also help to preserve your neurological health and reduce the risk of dementia the sooner you say goodbye to combustible cigarettes. 


At what age did you quit smoking? Drop a comment below to share with our readers.

Smoking combustible cigarettes increases risk of deadly bleeding strokes, study

man's hand holding a cigarette

The list for health issues that are increased due to smoking are endless — various cancers, heart disease, diabetes, lung disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and more — however, this recent study conducted highlights combustible cigarette dangers and encourages users to quit and lower their risk of having a deadly bleeding stroke. Here is the breakdown of the research. 

The study

Earlier this year, results published in the journal Stroke concluded that smoking can increase a person’s risk for a type of bleeding stroke, with risk further rising the more combustibles that individual smokes daily. 

Researchers revolved the study around a type of stroke called subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH), which occurs when a blood vessel on the surface of a subject’s brain ruptures and bleeds into the space between the brain and the skull. While this type of stroke is known mainly to affect middle-aged adults, its high rates of complications, and even death, are increasingly brought on to other age groups that smoke combustible cigarettes heavily. 

What were the results? 

In this study, researchers analyzed data collected between 2006 and 2010, with about 408,000 participants aged 40 to 69, residing in the United Kingdom. During the timeframe, more than 900 of these types of strokes occurred. 

While combustible cigarette dangers are generally known to increase one’s risk of health issues, this study found that heavy smokers were more likely to develop a greater risk of having a SAH. Even those who smoked only half a pack to 20 packs of combustible cigarettes a year had a 27% higher risk. That being said, findings also suggest that those who smoked more than 40 packs a year had nearly three times greater risk. 

While this study is addressing the link between smoking and SAH, it’s not the only research coming to this conclusion.

“Previous studies have shown that smoking is associated with higher risks of SAH, yet it has been unclear if smoking or another confounding condition such as high blood pressure was a cause of the stroke,” explained co-author of the study, Dr. Guido Falcone

Genetics also had its role to play, as researchers further concluded that there are people who are genetically predisposed to smoking. A genetic predisposition is an increased likelihood of developing a particular disease or interest in a habit based on your genetic makeup. This means that if your close loved ones smoked growing up, there’s a chance that it will stem into part of your genetic makeup in your adult life. According to the study, those with a genetic predisposition to smoking possessed a 63% increased risk of having a SAH.

Are there other combustible cigarette dangers that we haven’t addressed in past studies? Please leave a comment below and we will add them to our list! 

New review suggests vaping is 70% more effective than nicotine patches and gum

nicotine patch, gum, and vape device

A 2016 literature review was recently updated based on the concluding results from a multitude of studies from around the world. The evidence collected suggests that electronic cigarettes (ex. Logic e-cigs) are the most effective tools for smoking cessation when compared to other nicotine replacement therapies (NCTs), including nicotine gum and nicotine patches. 

The review

The review entitled “Electronic Cigarettes for Smoking Cessation” was originally conducted by the Cochrane Tobacco Addiction Group in the United Kingdom, and with so many continuing studies over the past four years, recent updates were added this past October to further the conclusions of the original study. The review includes the findings from 12,430 participants within 50 completed studies over the four-year period; 26 of which were randomized controlled trials (RCTs), a type of scientific experiment aimed at reducing certain sources of bias when testing the effectiveness of new treatments, which is accomplished by the random allocation of subjects.

What were the results?

With the objective being to evaluate the effect and safety of using electronic cigarettes (ex. Logic e-cigs) to help people who smoke achieve long-term smoking abstinence, the combined findings concluded that vaping nicotine is 70% more effective in helping users quit as opposed to patches or gum. There was also no clear evidence found that could link vaping products containing nicotine to any serious health conditions. 

“There is now evidence that electronic cigarettes with nicotine are likely to increase the chances of quitting successfully compared to nicotine gum or patches,” said Jamie Harmann-Boyce of Cochrane. 

A combination of RCTs and randomized cross-over trials in which people who smoke were randomized to electronic cigarettes or control conditions, as well as uncontrolled invention studies in which all participants received e-cig intervention, were used in the conclusive review. Also, participants within each study needed to report abstinence from cigarettes at six months or longer for them to be accounted for in the concluded percentage. 

Have you tried nicotine patches or nicotine gum in the past only to have found Logic e-cigs worked better for your transition? Drop a comment below to tell us your story. 

Older users are quitting smoking at slower rates, study

A new study shows that more than a million people in the UK have quit smoking since the start of the coronavirus pandemic, with close to half (41%) reporting that their decision to quit was based on heightened health concerns. What was most intriguing about was that among the group of ex-smokers who recently quit, younger smokers (under 29) had higher quit rates despite being less susceptible to the virus, according to health experts

The study

The UK charity Action on Smoking and Health (ASH) conducted a survey between April 15 to June 20 and saw a surge of more than one million people in Britain succeeding in their quit-smoking attempts. Since the COVID pandemic hit worldwide, many smokers learned that they were at a higher risk of virus transmission, and what’s even more interesting is that even though older people were considered more vulnerable to COVID, younger smokers appear to be giving up traditional smoking at a much higher rate. 

What was the result?

Of the one million participants who claimed to have quit smoking, around 400,000 people were aged 16 to 29, compared to 240,000 who were over 50-years-old. While thousands have heeded the advice to quit during the COVID-19 pandemic, there was a great variation by age, with younger smokers quitting at a much greater rate than older smokers. 

“For young people who have been quitting, there’s a desire to generally be more healthy, and take control at a time in their lives where that control has been taken away,” said Hazel Cheeseman, the policy director for AHS. 

“Older smokers have been smoking longer because most people start in their teens. They’re therefore more likely to be more heavily addicted and therefore quitting is more difficult for them,” she added.

How can the Logic vape pen help?

While some people can quit cold turkey, others struggle with nicotine withdrawal symptoms. So, if you want to kick the habit without irritability, the Logic vape pen is a great stop-smoking aid. 

Offering ex-smokers a range of nicotine concentration levels with the choice to select a disposable electronic cigarette or a re-useable device with replaceable cartridges, the Logic vape pen is an intuitive, modern-day technology that fulfills the nicotine needs of the ex-smoker, while also satisfying their mental dependencies. 

If you want to learn more about how vaping can change your life, read our blog for e-cig news updates, informative how-tos, and general submissions about vaping culture. 

Do you know anyone that quit smoking during the COVID pandemic? Drop your personal experience below to share with our readers. 

Which countries possess the highest smoking rates and what influences are a factor?

used combustible cigarettes piled up on the ground

While the global smoking prevalence is decreasing due to education, the total number of people who smoke worldwide will only continue to increase due to population growth. So, while it’s important to understand the role that smoking plays as a way to recognize how people are influenced to carry on this habit long term, it’s equally as important to acknowledge how systemic reinforcement within disadvantaged populations contributes to the smoking rates. After all, not everyone possesses the same access to buy e-cigs online or obtain viable information about the dangers of tobacco smoking. That being said, continue reading to learn about the influences that work against those who’re trying to make a change.   

The ten countries with the highest smoking rates are: 

Overall, the highest smoking rates are found in Southeast Asia and the Balkan region of Europe, however, these are the top countries worldwide

  1. Kiribati (52.40%)
  2. Nauru (47.50%)
  3. Greece (42.65%)
  4. Serbia (41.65%)
  5. Russia (40.90%)
  6. Jordan (40.45%)
  7. Indonesia (39.90%)
  8. Bosnia and Herzegovina (38.60%)
  9. Lebanon (38.30%)
  10.  Chile (38.00%)

Which factors influence these smoking percentages?

Research has identified a range of factors that can uptake higher smoking rates including interacting psychological, social, economic, and cultural factors that influence smoking patterns and behaviors. 

Those who smoke may have been enabled by: 

  • Lower-income, poor housing, and unemployment. 
  • Nicotine exposure during childhood.
  • Financial pressure and stress.
  • Anxiety and depression. 
  • Parental or peer examples. 
  • Targeted or intensive marketing by the tobacco industry. 

In particular, higher smoker rates are more likely to be in environments where smoking is the norm or if friends and family members are smokers. The creation of these pro-smoking environments strongly influences the uptake of smoking, smoking patterns, and quitting intentions. 

What barriers prevent quitting?

Smoking plays a pivotal role as a coping mechanism for many people and like the above bullet points, there is also a range of factors that have been identified that may work as barriers for those who are trying to quit smoking, including:

  • May possess a heavier nicotine dependence. 
  • Less awareness of the harms of smoking and nicotine addiction. 
  • Misconceptions about the variety of available cessation services. 
  • Cost of accessing nicotine replacement therapies (ex. It’s cheaper to buy e-cigs online in bulk rather than ordering one or two at a time). 
  • Financial stress.
  • Lack of a support system.
  • Low confidence in ability to stop smoking. 
  • Smoking has worked as a pleasuring aid to relieve boredom. 

What do you find most interesting about the above collection of information? Drop a comment below to start a conversation. 

How Does Smoking Affect Your Sleep Routine?

Woman hiding under the sheets

 Logic e-cig

While smoking combustible cigarettes has been linked to the development of several types of cancer, heart disease, and routine infections, it has also been known to disrupt another element of your ongoing health, your sleep. If you smoke heavily, you’re wreaking havoc on your body’s natural sleep routine, causing irregular sleeping patterns, ongoing sleep interruption, and even the development of sleep apnea. So, find out how you can start making a change in 2020 by controlling your nicotine intake with Logic e-cigs

Nicotine works as a sleep inhibitor 

One of the reasons that so many combustible cigarette smokers have trouble sleeping is because nicotine is a potent stimulant, which when inhaled activates your sympathetic nervous system, causing rapid breathing, an increased heart rate, and higher blood pressure. While a combination of these factors can make it harder for a smoker to sleep, a frequent, high dose, nicotine intake can also make people more susceptible to develop insomnia. So, it’s rather ironic that so many people smoke to relax before bed when they’re actually telling their minds and bodies to do the opposite. Also, many smokers are likely to experience withdrawal symptoms as they sleep, waking them up to have another cigarette, and thus interrupting any chance they have to achieve a decent slumber. 

Smoking changes your natural circadian rhythm 

Researchers from the University of Rochester Medical Center came to a conclusion in their 2013 study that smoking tobacco alters one’s ability to achieve a night of restful sleep. After exposing a group of lab mice, both chronically and acutely to cigarette smoke, they noticed a substantial disruption to their natural circadian clocks, which is the internal process that regulates a living being’s sleep-wake cycle. They found that the more exposed they were to tobacco, the more disruption the mice faced, and it even moved beyond sleeping to including the development of depression, anxiety, and various mood disorders.

Smoking increases your risk of developing sleep apnea 

People who smoke are 2.5 times more likely to suffer from obstructive sleep apnea, which is a condition caused by the collapse of muscles in the back of the throat during sleep. While smokers already experience cessation breathing more often than those who don’t, the smoke itself irritates tissues in the nose and throat, which causes swelling and airflow restriction. 

Get yourself a Logic e-cig to help achieve a better night’s sleep 

Vaping, using a dependable Logic e-cig Starter Kit, is a great way to make a positive lifestyle change that can help you to start obtaining better sleep. While e-cigs still contain nicotine, their concentration levels are determined by the vaper, allowing them to actively lower the percentage as needed. Also, vapor doesn’t dry out your throat as quickly and easily as the smoke from a combustible cigarette, so although you’ll get an enjoyable throat hit upon inhalation, you won’t experience any lingering throat irritation. 

Are there any other ways that you’ve used your Logic e-cig to benefit your sleeping routine? Drop a comment below to share with our readers. 

Three Top U.S. Universities that Are Dedicated to Vaping Research

a female doctor holding an electronic cigarette

Did you know that many vaping experts are doing reliable and valid research within the university school system in the United States? The FDA even help to fund their research by providing grants that allow students and educators to conduct inquiries that are focused on the trends and behaviors of vaping and its effectiveness when compared to other nicotine alternatives, to build scientific underpinning for regulation and access to e-cig starter kits and nicotine-containing e-liquids. So, since some headlines are floating around about the future of vaping, we wanted to focus on the significance of Academia and highlight three institutes that are dedicated to analyzing how e-cig starter kits are advantageous to the public health. 

Boston University

The Community Health Sciences program at Boston University’s School of Public Health has conducted research projects, alongside instructor and physician, Dr. Michael Siegel, of how the vaping industry has become harshly over-regulated when compared to traditional tobacco cigarette companies. 

“I think that there has been a tremendous overreaction to what’s going on in the United States,” he said. “We’ve seen about 400 cases of severe respiratory illness and about seven deaths. And what authorities are telling people is that in the overwhelming majority of these cases, what is associated with the illness is not vaping electronic cigarettes, but actually vaping illicit marijuana vape cartridges.” 

The Medical University of South Carolina

The research conducted at this institution is overseen by Dr. K. Michael Cummings, who is a tobacco expert and professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences for the College of Medicine at the University of South Carolina. He has dedicated his time to the collection of data related to how vaping nicotine is a lot safer than smoking cigarettes

“Newer nicotine vaping products mimic the experience of smoking a cigarette, allowing for lung delivery of nicotine to the bloodstream and making them a good substitution of cigarettes for smokers,” he said. 

University of Buffalo

This school is lucky to have an expert on nicotine addiction, smoking, vaping, tobacco and e-cigarette policy and FDA regulations on nicotine products, Dr. Lynn T. Kozlowski. Also, a founding member of the Society of Nicotine and Tobacco Research, he has dedicated many years of teaching to his research prevention for youth use of e-cigarettes and tobacco products and the mentorship of those students studying into further FDA policies. 

“Wanting no child to vape does not justify evasion or misinformation on differential harms of products,” he said. 

What did you find most interesting about the above article? Drop a comment below to add to the discussion of vaping research.

What do you need to know before traveling with your e-cig?

man with backpack vaping outside with flags on the background

What do you need to know before traveling with your e-cig? | I Love E-Cigs

With the start of summer just on the horizon, it’s about time for you to start planning your seasonal staycations, weekend getaways and abroad adventures. After all, everyone deserves some vacation time to sit back and unwind from the stresses of everyday life. As a vaper, part of finding your state of relaxation most likely involves a few calming puffs from your e-cig device. So, if you’re hoping to enjoy some new sights and sounds over the summer months, it’s important for you to do the research beforehand in order to find out which countries possess vaping restrictions and bans. After all, while many countries simply possess limitations on nicotine-containing e-juices, others have banned products altogether. To ensure your journey is worry-free, here are a few things that you should consider before setting out.

What are the vaping laws at your destination?  

It’s incredibly important for you to conduct some research beforehand on the legal status of vaping in countries you plan to visit. While most places in the world are tolerant of e-cigs, some do possess restrictions on e-liquids that contain nicotine as an ingredient. For example, it is illegal to sell vaping products in Mexico, Argentina and Brazil, but it’s perfectly okay to vape in these countries. Moreover, in other places where vaping is banned, such as Singapore and Thailand, the possession of e-cigs could result in up to ten years in prison. There are also countries such as, Sweden, Australia and Japan that simply possess laws that restrict vaping, which means that vape products can be bought and sold, but e-liquids must remain nicotine-free.  

This is why it’s essential for you to stay up-to-date with the laws of the countries that are on your traveling bucket list, as well as their definitions that can vary from country to country.

What are the airport and airline policies?

Now that you’ve selected a vape-friendly destination, the next thing you should consider is the policies of all the airports and airlines you’ll be encountering prior to booking your flight. It’s important to consider the rules of the airports you’re laying over in, as well as the regulations regarding carry-on baggage. Since e-cigs are electronic devices, they will most likely be required in your carry-on luggage for safety purposes. So, for the purposes of travel, you may want to consider the convenience of a disposable e-cig in order to limit the number of batteries that you’ll be required to carry.

Can you vape in public places and restaurants?

Now that you’ve found a destination, airline and airport that supports vape culture, it’s also important for you to read up on the by-laws of the regions that you’ll be visiting. After all, you don’t want to be seen breaking the rules or disregarding the local culture. That being said, many places lump vaping together under anti-smoking laws which will restrict vaping in public places. However, there are some countries that will allow you to enjoy your disposable e-cig in an open-air restaurant or out on the beach.  

Other things to keep in mind when traveling with your e-cig

While laws and restrictions are the most crucial elements of your travel plans to consider when you’re a vaper, there are a few other things that you should keep in mind if you’re planning to get on a plane or take a road-trip.

  • How will you store your e-juice? E-liquids in bottles need to be stored in a vertical position while in your luggage and once you’ve reached your accommodation in order to avoid any spillage. So, if you’re worried about carrying around fragile bottles, choose a disposable e-cig for vape and dispose convenience or pick up a Logic Power Series starter kit that uses pre-packaged, spill-proof cartomizers to give you worry-free vaping enjoyment. Because these e-juice capsules simply pop on and off the end of the device, you won’t need to worry about pouring or spilling e-juice when you are out on the road as well.
  • How will you maintain a cool temperature? Many travel destinations are hot and humid, so, it’s important to know if you will have access to a fridge or cool storage space in order to avoid any spoilage of your supply. Also, there are destinations that take over 24 hours to get to, so, consider this when you’re packing e-liquid for your trip.
  • How will you charge your device? Consider the wattage of the plugs in the country you’re visiting and ensure that the energy levels are converted properly before plugging in your device.

Don’t Forget to check out our other tips for travelling with your vape pen!

Are there any other factors to consider if you’re a vaper going away on holidays? Drop a comment below if you have any tips to share.

Alex Wilks is the Social Media & Content Creator for Trek Marketing. Her work has been featured on Global News, Black Press Media, andthe Kwantlen Chronicle

E-Cigarettes Help Military Service Members Quit Smoking, Study Finds

military soldier holding a cigarette in his hands

e-cigarette study

While the e-cigarette industry is constantly facing ridicule and criticism from non-vapers, there’s actually a lot of light at the end of the tunnel that’s being neglected. In fact, a new study has found a correlation between e-cigarettes and quitting conventional cigarettes amongst military service members. It’s e-cigarette studies like this one that paves way for contemporary discussion, innovative research and educated commentary.

The study

A 2018 study conducted by the Rand Corporation — a nonprofit company that researches and analyzes the United States Armed Forces — monitored the smoking rates among military service members over the past decade. The study, also known as, Health Related Behaviors Survey Substance Use Among US Active-Duty, found that military service members were actually smoking at a lesser rate than the general population. It’s important to note that the subjects who were analyzed were service members which notably means that they were more likely to be young males. Although alcohol, tobacco and illicit and prescription drugs were all a part of the study, we’re only focusing on the information found pertaining to tobacco use.

The objective

The survey used a random sampling strategy (different service branches, pay grades, races, age groups and genders) to complete an anonymous online survey to better understand the health and health-related behaviors of the service members. This included areas such as substance use, mental and physical health, sexual behavior and post-deployment problems that may affect their abilities to meet the demands of military life.

What was the result?

The study found quite a few interesting statistics correlating e-cigarette use with the effectiveness of quitting combustible cigarettes. In fact, “11.1 percent of military service members report daily e-cigarette use,” with 37% admitting to using a device within the past month of taking their survey. It’s also important to note that historically speaking, smoking rates among military service members have always been higher than the national average, but in recent years with the implementation of e-cigs, those figures have drastically decreased leaving only 13.9% of service members currently smoking conventional cigarettes in comparison to 16.8% within the general population.

Another interesting factor to consider is that many states do not subject military installations to the same local cigarette taxes as non-military members, making conventional cigarettes actually much cheaper for a military member. The study concluded that “the rise in the use of electronic cigarettes and a simultaneous decline in cigarette consumption is further proof of the efficacy of e-cigarettes as a tobacco harm reduction tool.

Needless to say, “as more military members use e-cigarettes instead of combustible cigarettes, the Defense Department’s long-term health care costs should decline significantly.

What are your thoughts on the results of this e-cigarette study? Tell us in the comments section below.


Is Vaping Safer Than Smoking? NYU Research Suggests It Is

portrait of a handsome man smoking e-cigarette


Earlier this year, New York University (NYU) researchers released the findings of their report titled “Harm Minimization and Tobacco Control: Reframing Societal Views of Nicotine Use to Rapidly Save Lives,” which suggests that vaping is much less harmful than smoking cigarettes.

Harm Minimization

The harm reduction approach acknowledges that the adverse effects of nicotine-containing products fall on a continuum of harm, ranging from exceptionally low to exceptionally high. So, is vaping safer than smoking? According to the report, non-combustible nicotine-containing options such as patches, gums, nasal sprays, and e-cigarettes fall on the lower end of the spectrum while combustible nicotine delivery systems such as traditional cigarettes, pipes, and cigars fall on the higher end, meaning that switching from smoking to vaping would result in significantly less harm to the user.

Citing a previous study published in the British Medical Journal (BMJ), a leading medical journal, they assert that the “replacement of most cigarette use by e-cigarette use over a 10-year period yields up to 6.6 million fewer premature deaths with 86.7 million fewer life years lost.”

With that in mind, they posit that any reduction in relative harm from a previous level should be encouraged. Although the best case scenario is one where users don’t use any nicotine-containing products at all, they promote a more realistic view whereby if the consumer does not want to stop the consumption of nicotine, then the goal should be to eliminate their use of smoked or combustible tobacco. In other words, they should be encouraged to use alternative non-combustible products like the ones mentioned above.

Why Are E-Cigarettes the “Sweet Spot?”

While combusted products such as cigarettes score high on appeal and satisfaction, they are also the most toxic. While nicotine replacement therapies such as gums, patches, and nasal sprays provide nicotine without the deleterious toxins present in smoke, they lack the appeal and satisfaction associated with the inhaling and exhaling of vapor and are therefore not likely to replace cigarettes at a population level. E-cigarettes have the potential to rival cigarettes since they score low on relative toxicity and high on appeal and satisfaction, as evidenced by the increase in their use by ex-smokers in the UK and the US.

Recommendations for Public Policy

Not surprisingly, the report suggests the need to reaffirm harm minimization in tobacco control to save smokers’ lives and protect youth. They also recommend educating the public about the relative harms of various nicotine products and reducing the misconceptions surrounding e-cigarettes so that users can make an informed decision.

What are your thoughts on the harm reduction approach? Tell us in the comments section below.