Why people start using tobacco and why they struggle to stop

stop smoking aid

stop smoking aid

While quitting traditional cigarettes is not easy, it can still be done, and after reading this blog post you’ll be able to better understand the influence tobacco has had on your life. Giving you the information and tools you need to combat your addiction will be the route of your success and if you’re hoping to stop this long-standing habit, one of the best ways is through self-awareness. So, since ex-smokers emphasize that quitting smoking is one of the hardest things that they have ever done, despite the struggles, people are tackling the long and hard process through the help of various support systems and innovative, stop smoking aids

Why do people start smoking? 

Most smokers began using combustible cigarettes in their teenage years, either because of the pressures from their peers, budding curiosity or under the influences of family and friends. So, whether you wanted to see what all the hype was about or you simply thought it was cool at the time, the reality is that the tobacco industry has been influencing young people through the glamour of movies, video games, and social influences, highlighting smoking as a lavish past-time.

How does nicotine affect you?  

The nicotine you inhale from your tobacco smoke is quickly absorbed into your bloodstream through your lungs and from there, spreads to the rest of the body and proceeds on to the brain. When taken in small amounts, nicotine allows you to feel pleasant and mellow, characteristics that often hook newcomers to the habit. Then, the more you smoke over time, the more your body requires the nicotine to reap the rewards of mental alertness, speeding up the cycle of addiction. Over time, recreational smokers become dependent on higher levels of nicotine and will suffer mental or psychological withdrawal symptoms when they try to stop either cold turkey or with the help of stop smoking aids. Translating to irritability, nervousness, headaches, and sleep trouble, most people give up trying to quit because of the withdrawal from nicotine affecting their mood so much that their day-to-day interactions become unbearable.

Why is it so hard to quit tobacco? 

People who have used tobacco regularly will experience uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms if they suddenly stop or greatly reduce the amount they’re consuming. So, while there’s no danger in quitting smoking, giving up the habit causes your body to physically react to the absence of nicotine, mentally long for the ritualistic feeling of the hand-to-mouth motion and become emotionally overwhelmed with the change in your day-to-day routine. Along with causing feelings of frustration, depression, anxiety, and restlessness you may also experience a decreased heart rate, sudden weight gain, and even constipation. 

Thus, we recommend using a stop smoking aid to help alleviate the above symptoms and combat your discomforts (stop smoking aids include e-cigarettes, nicotine gum, lozenges, and the patch). 

Do you have a success story that you wouldn’t mind sharing? Drop a comment below to encourage people to stop smoking cigarettes. 



How Does Smoking Affect Your Sleep Routine?

Woman hiding under the sheets

 Logic e-cig

While smoking combustible cigarettes has been linked to the development of several types of cancer, heart disease, and routine infections, it has also been known to disrupt another element of your ongoing health, your sleep. If you smoke heavily, you’re wreaking havoc on your body’s natural sleep routine, causing irregular sleeping patterns, ongoing sleep interruption, and even the development of sleep apnea. So, find out how you can start making a change in 2020 by controlling your nicotine intake with Logic e-cigs

Nicotine works as a sleep inhibitor 

One of the reasons that so many combustible cigarette smokers have trouble sleeping is because nicotine is a potent stimulant, which when inhaled activates your sympathetic nervous system, causing rapid breathing, an increased heart rate, and higher blood pressure. While a combination of these factors can make it harder for a smoker to sleep, a frequent, high dose, nicotine intake can also make people more susceptible to develop insomnia. So, it’s rather ironic that so many people smoke to relax before bed when they’re actually telling their minds and bodies to do the opposite. Also, many smokers are likely to experience withdrawal symptoms as they sleep, waking them up to have another cigarette, and thus interrupting any chance they have to achieve a decent slumber. 

Smoking changes your natural circadian rhythm 

Researchers from the University of Rochester Medical Center came to a conclusion in their 2013 study that smoking tobacco alters one’s ability to achieve a night of restful sleep. After exposing a group of lab mice, both chronically and acutely to cigarette smoke, they noticed a substantial disruption to their natural circadian clocks, which is the internal process that regulates a living being’s sleep-wake cycle. They found that the more exposed they were to tobacco, the more disruption the mice faced, and it even moved beyond sleeping to including the development of depression, anxiety, and various mood disorders.

Smoking increases your risk of developing sleep apnea 

People who smoke are 2.5 times more likely to suffer from obstructive sleep apnea, which is a condition caused by the collapse of muscles in the back of the throat during sleep. While smokers already experience cessation breathing more often than those who don’t, the smoke itself irritates tissues in the nose and throat, which causes swelling and airflow restriction. 

Get yourself a Logic e-cig to help achieve a better night’s sleep 

Vaping, using a dependable Logic e-cig Starter Kit, is a great way to make a positive lifestyle change that can help you to start obtaining better sleep. While e-cigs still contain nicotine, their concentration levels are determined by the vaper, allowing them to actively lower the percentage as needed. Also, vapor doesn’t dry out your throat as quickly and easily as the smoke from a combustible cigarette, so although you’ll get an enjoyable throat hit upon inhalation, you won’t experience any lingering throat irritation. 

Are there any other ways that you’ve used your Logic e-cig to benefit your sleeping routine? Drop a comment below to share with our readers. 

4 reasons to quit smoking in 2020

quit smoking written on 202's new year's resolution

You’re not alone if quitting smoking is your New Year’s resolution, as many people use January as their opportunity to make a fresh start. So, since one of the best ways to set yourself up for success is by making a plan and setting some goals, we feel that today you should take the time to evaluate where you’re at to plot your path towards a smoke-free year. That being said, here are four of the best reasons to make 2020 your year to stub out your final combustible cigarette. 

Quit for your health

One of the biggest reasons that quitting combustible cigarettes makes it to the top of so many New Year’s resolutions lists is because of the health benefits that can start from the moment you stop. Did you know that smokers are 30 times more likely to develop lung cancer, possess 30 to 40 percent higher chances of developing type 2 diabetes, and their risk of heart disease increases two to four times? Imagine cutting these odds in half after only one year of quitting! 

If you’re curious which other health concerns are heightened with prolonged smoking, we’ve curated a list for you below: 

  • Liver cancer
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Ectopic pregnancy 
  • Vision loss
  • Tuberculosis
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Colorectal Cancer
  • Stroke
  • Bladder Cancer
  • Cervical Cancer 
  • Cleft Palates 
  • Hearing loss
  • Bone fractures
  • Psoriasis
  • Crohn’s Disease 
  • Dementia
  • Alzheimer’s Disease
  • Lupus 

Quit to look more youthful

It’s no secret that smoking leaves your skin, teeth, hair, and fingernails looking tired and worn-down. In fact, cigarette smoke contains carbon monoxide, which displaces the oxygen in your skin, while nicotine reduces your blood flow, leaving your skin dry and discolored. Moreover, the chemicals in tobacco products affect the saliva flow in your mouth, making it easier for oral bacteria to stick to your teeth and gums. In terms of hair, smoking has been linked to accelerated hair loss and premature greying. Lastly, the tar found in cigarettes often stains both the nail and the nail bed, leaving behind an unappealing yellow hue. Overall, the longer you choose to smoke combustible cigarettes, the larger the toll is on your appearance. 

Quit to save money 

The cost of buying cigarettes has gone up over the years and if you’re one of the many that smokes a pack daily, when you add up your spending, you’ll notice what a waste of money it is. The average pack of cigarettes costs between $5 and $14, depending on which state you live in, and there’s also a federal and state tax that makes up the final price.

For most long-time smokers simply wanting to put away extra savings won’t be enough motivation to quit smoking. However, an e-cigarette starter kit could aid the transition, as the device emits a dose of nicotine required by the vaper combined with many of the same behavioral aspects of smoking, but without the harmful effects of burning tobacco. 

Quit to smell better 

Although smokers may not be personally impacted by the lingering odor of their cigarettes, bystanders, co-workers, family, and friends likely don’t appreciate the smelly scent of burnt tobacco. Not only is the smoke from cigarettes pungent, but it’s also dangerous to your health, as it remains behind in the air and clings to your clothing and hair. So, if you want to quit so that you and your home will smell better, consider an e-cigarette starter kit as a helpful way to deal with the unpleasant aroma. With so many alluring, signature flavors available, you’re bound to find something that enlivens the senses! 

What’s your reason to quit smoking in 2020? Drop a comment below to share with our readers.

How Can Smoking Combustible Cigarettes Affect Diabetics?

man measuring his blood sugar using a diabetic tool

 e-cig starter kit

If you haven’t already heard, smoking is bad for your health and while there’s a wide range of risks to your well-being long-term, your organs physically take a huge beating. That being said, as bad as smoking is for the average person, it’s fatally worse for those who are diabetic, raising their sugar levels, causing heart and blood vessel damage, and even putting their vision in jeopardy. So, if you haven’t taken the time to learn about how smoking combustible cigarettes affects diabetes, please continue to read. We won’t be sugarcoating any of the facts! 

Smoking raises your blood sugar 

As a diabetic or even a pre-diabetic, you’re already having to watch your blood sugar levels to ensure that they’re properly managed, and those who are heavy smokers are faced with more challenges. The reality is that cigarette smoke contains an assortment of toxic ingredients that have the power to change your cells’ ability to use insulin. It’s a real problem when your body’s cells become insulin resistant, as they will then be unable to transform the glucose from your blood into conformable energy. Moreover, if high glucose levels remain in your blood, your sugar levels will spike, leading to detrimental damage to your kidneys, nerves, and eyes. So, regardless if you’re a type 1 or type 2 diabetic, if you want to avoid significant organ damage due to high sugar levels, it’s important to consider methods that will help you to decrease your smoking habits. 

Smoking causes heart and blood vessel damage

Long-term exposure to combustible cigarettes has been proven to cause severe damage to your cardiovascular system and unlike diabetes, smoking is something that’s within your control. That’s why so many smokers have difficulty breathing, often wheezing during activities that require moderate levels of energy. 

If you’re someone who has diabetes, you’re already two to four times more likely to develop heart disease or have a stroke than people who don’t possess the condition and when you smoke those odds are heightened drastically. In fact, inhaling the high nicotine levels that are found within combustible cigarettes causes your blood vessels to constrict and narrow, limiting the amount of blood that can flow to your organs. These changes to the structure and functioning of the vessels increase your blood pressure and put tension on the heart, causing it to work harder. That’s part of the reason why the risk of cardiovascular disease is so high in smokers. 

Smoking damages your eyes

Diabetics possess a high risk for several eye diseases, including cataracts and glaucoma and if their condition is not properly controlled, it can also lead to blindness. However, when you smoke you increase your risk of macular degeneration which can eventually lead you to the same result, sight loss. So, when you combine smoking with diabetes, you’re creating a result that’s both destructive to your vision and overall eye health.  

What can you do to lower your risk? 

If you want to lower your risk of smoking-related complications you will need to quit smoking. Of course, that’s easier said than done, but there are many ways to use nicotine replacement therapies to kick your addictive cravings. 

  • An e-cig starter kit is one of the most successful alternative smoking methods, allowing the ex-smoker to quit gradually by decreasing their nicotine concentration levels over time. 
  • Nicotine chewing gum decreases your withdrawal symptoms and substitutes as an oral activity. 
  • The nicotine patch attaches to your skin like an adhesive bandage, delivering a small, constant amount of nicotine through to your bloodstream.  

If you currently smoke, recognizing the benefits of quitting is your first crucial step. So, whether your way to lower your nicotine consumption rests with an e-cig starter kit, nicotine gum or the patch, if you’re diabetic, it’s important to find the smoking cessation aid that will help to lower your risk of developing many health problems. After all, since you’ve already been forced to make changes to your eating habits, making changes to your smoking habits should naturally follow suit.  

What did you learn about diabetes and the effects of smoking? Drop a comment below to share an engaging conversation. 


How to clean your Logic vape pen

a picture of a black logic vape pen

 Logic vape pen

CHECK OUT our updated Step-by-Step Guide for when and how to clean your Logic vape pen!

If you’re the type of vaper that values the flawless endurance of your Logic vape pen and wants to keep it lasting for years to come, then you should also be the type of vaper that repeatedly cleans and upkeeps your device. Not only is it easy to sanitize your e-cig, but it’s also one of the best things you can do to keep it operating perfectly. So, if vaping is an important, habitual activity for you, try using the following step-by-step guide to maintain the cleanliness of your device. 

Disassemble in a clean area

It’s important to sanitize your device in an area that’s tidied often. To ensure that your Logic vape pen is cleaned properly, lay a towel down on your chosen surface and begin disassembling the pieces. If you own a Logic Power Series e-cig, simply twist the battery off from the cartomizer. Whereas if you own the Logic Pro Vaporizer, you’ll need to remove the e-liquid capsule by twisting off the battery and sliding the capsule out from inside the mouthpiece. Once all of the pieces have been taken apart, place them on the towel. 

Wipe down each part

Use a piece of paper towel to wipe away any dust or grim from the components of your e-cig. Be sure to use some cotton swabs for the hard-to-reach areas of the device. Aside from the battery, your mouthpiece is the most important part of your device and since it comes into contact with your saliva, it’s also the most unsanitary piece. That being said, you may find it easier to clean if you blow very lightly through the top of the detached mouthpiece to force any leftover e-liquid outwards and into your paper towel. If you’re having trouble clearing up blockages in the airflow due to high amounts of debris, fold the paper towel into a snug, small square and use it to soak up the extra residue that’s blocking the hole. You can even use a little bit of warm water to help rinse out the area!

Charge and reassemble

Many vapers clean their devices weekly, especially if their Logic vape pen is something that’s used daily. I Love Ecigs recommends that while you’re sanitizing and wiping down your e-cig, grab hold of your extra batteries, clean them and place them onto the charger so that you will always have a power source that’s ready to go. In fact, making this routine a weekly ritual will ensure the longevity of your device and will also guarantee that you will never be left with a dead e-cig while you’re out on-the-go.  

Future maintenance tips

Now that your Logic vape pen is clean and has been reassembled, here are some added caring tips that come highly recommended.

  • Store your e-cig in carrying case
  • Attempt to travel with it remaining in an upright position 
  • Keep it away from direct sunlight, water or high temperatures
  • Don’t overcharge the battery 
  • Don’t drop the device, its wiring is very sensitive.

Did you learn anything new about cleaning your Logic vape pen? Drop a comment below to share with our readers. 


3 Signs that Nicotine Salts Are Right for You

JUUL electronic pods


You’ve probably heard about nicotine salt e-juice and how quickly it has become one of the top choices for vaper satisfaction, but for those who’re particularly new to vaping there can be an overwhelming amount of information to impede your decision making. So, to make things easier for your transition, and to comprehend the marvelous advantages of nic salts, sit down and ask yourself the following three questions to find out if vaping with nicotine salts is the right move for you. 

“Have I been trying to quit smoking?”

While combustible cigarettes vary in nicotine strengths, a large majority of popular brands contain concentration levels far higher than the standard e-liquid on the market. That’s probably one of the reasons why so many heavy ex-smokers are drawn to the punch that’s offered through nicotine salt e-juice; delivering them higher strength levels to satisfy bold, intense cravings so they don’t fall back into their old habits. Another plus is that nicotine salts enter the bloodstream vigorously faster than traditional e-liquids, so usually, less is required to appease your hankerings. 

“Is the nicotine level I’m currently vaping insufficient?”

A successful transition to vaping is reliant on the quality of the nicotine replacement. So, when heavy smokers are on the hunt for a product to alleviate the discomfort of nicotine withdrawal, they often turn to nicotine salt e-juice. Brands, like EonSmoke, sell 6% salt nicotine JUUL compatible pods and 6.8% salt nicotine disposable electronic cigarettes that yield harsh throat hits to make them more effective and satisfying to ex-smokers who require higher concentration levels. After all, fulfilling their nicotine dependency can realign their values and remind them why they wanted to quit smoking tobacco in the first place. 

“Do I want more flavor intensity?” 

Nicotine salt e-juice is trending among the vaping community because it provides users with elevated flavors that are smoother and stronger than freebase nicotine e-liquids. With so many people disliking the peppery taste of nicotine solutions, and since nicotine salt e-juices contain higher concentration levels, more tasty seasonings can be added to the extracts to balance out the flavorsome mixtures. 

Read: Reasons to vape salt-based nicotine e-liquids

Which nicotine salt, JUUL compatible pod is calling your name? Drop a comment below to share with our readers. 


How to find the right device to meet your vaping needs

a blue vape pen

With so many e-cig brands promising you the ultimate vaping experience, aside from looking for a cost-effective product, how else can you decide which device is the perfect one for you? At I Love Ecigs, we understand that the decision can be overwhelming, so to save you time, money and frustration, we’re going to provide some selection tips for first-time vapers slowly transitioning away from combustible cigarettes. Here’s some help to sort through the sheer number of vaping devices available on the market and find the one that provides you with an enjoyable, safe and secure experience. 

Ask yourself, “What are my expectations”. 

When it comes to selecting an intuitive device it’s important to know your expectations before you start hunting for your device. There are three major factors to consider when you are buying your first vape pen, quality, price and reasons for use. As with any new product, start by doing some research and seeking out your expectations. Logic vape pens are one of the most popular products on the market, which means that there are a lot of customer reviews for you to sort through and evaluate. That being said, if you want to start with something small, easy-to-use and can mimic the simulating feel of tobacco smoking, grab yourself a Logic Disposable Electronic Cigarette. However, if you’re expecting a device with a heightened nicotine kick, select a Logic Power Series Starter Kit that you can roll between your fingers to look and feel like a combustible cigarette. 

Familiarize yourself with the parts

Most beginner vapers enjoy the simplistic, easygoing appeal of a complete vaping system. So, by familiarizing yourself with how the parts work and interconnect, you’ll be able to foresee how demanding the maintenance and ongoing use will be. 

Logic vape pens uphold a very practical functionality, with two to three parts that interlock by seamlessly twisting the battery onto the cartomizers or simply dropping the e-liquid capsules into the device chamber and twisting the mouthpiece on afterward. Since all the operative parts easily connect and disconnect to the battery, the cleaning process is effortless for the user. 

Consider quality in your decision

Keep your eye on the customer reviews to see if there are any mentions in how the item was packaged. Poorly packaged items that rattle upon delivery can often leave you with a poor-quality device or damaged parts. 

Consider the cost

Just because a device is more expensive doesn’t mean that it’s a better product. In fact, depending on the features you’re going for, many high-end vaping manufacturers sell their base-line products for great rates! While you’re considering the device cost, also consider the price of battery replacements and cartridge refills. Many sellers also offer quantity discounts so, once you find what you like, purchasing more at one time will be more convenient and leave you with a little more cash in your pocket. 

How portable is the device?

One of the most advantageous things about vaping is the care-free ability to take your device with you wherever you go. When you’re reliant on nicotine to help you through your day, accessibility and portability of your device should be top of mind. Also, be mindful of the battery power. Carrying around extra batteries because of lower power functionality can be a bit of a pain if you’re hoping to lighten your pockets or purse for the day ahead. 

Don’t have your money or time go up in “smoke” or in this case, vapor. Look for a brand that offers a detailed warranty, stands behind the quality of their products and is dedicated to providing safe, reliable vape devices for people looking to get away from tobacco smoking. 

Do you have any questions about the Logic vape pen and how its technological lineup has helped so many people remain smoke free? Drop a comment below.

E-cigs are three times more effective in helping smokers quit than other nicotine replacement therapies, study says

a businessman holding an e-cigarette

Increasing the quit rate among smokers in the UK are vapers using e-cig starter kits to help them kick the cravings. So, regardless of whether you vape as a means to stop smoking or you’re looking for a nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) that works, find out why public health advocates are promoting these smokeless, nicotine products.  

The study

University College London scientists published a study in the journal, Addiction, that followed 18,929 smokers who were attempting to give up combustible cigarettes with the use of e-cig starter kits. What they found was subjects who were using e-cigs, rather than regular NRTs, were three times more likely to refrain from their urges and remain free from tobacco use. 

Scientists curved the results of their research to account for factors like social status, age, and influences and when formulating their evidence, how many times prior to the study that each subject may have tried to quit smoking.

To be considered a successful quitter, ex-smokers needed to confirm that they had remained smoke-free for a 12-month period and that they had been using an e-cig starter kit, rather than a regular NRT. 

The objective

The study was conducted to provide further evidence that e-cigarettes can be used as effective quitting tools, highlighting how crucial these devices work as support systems in helping people stop smoking. Also, many ex-smokers find that the transition to e-cigs is much easier than going cold turkey or relying on regular NRTs. 

What was the result?

The results of the study concurred that those who vape are 95% more likely to be successful than those who don’t and those who were given nicotine replacement therapies as a prescription, either on their own or paired with an e-cig starter kit, were 34% more likely to succeed in quitting smoking for good. 

While some nicotine replacement therapies, such as the patch, nicotine gum, and lozenges did prove to be successful among withdrawing patients, it was found that those who were prescribed therapies from their physician, rather than over-the-counter, had a higher rate of success. 

What wowed you the most about this recent e-cig study? Drop a comment below to share your thoughts. 


Your beginners guide to vaping nicotine salts

a pretty girl smoking Juul compatible pods

JUUL compatible pods

The vaping industry is buzzing over the popularity of nicotine salts, which offers vapers a higher concentration of nicotine to help fight off their cravings. Profoundly mimicking the rush received from combustible cigarettes, EonSmoke’s wide selection of JUUL compatible pods are sold in a satisfying 6% nicotine salt. Even vapers on-the-go are thrilled with the intensity of EonSmoke’s 6.8% disposable e-cig. So, are you content with vaping freebase nicotine or are you ready to learn about the fiercely heightened power of nicotine salts? 

What’s the difference between freebase nicotine and nicotine salts? 

It isn’t a matter of which nicotine absorption method is better, but more about what your preferences are. If you’re going to successfully make the transition from smoking to vaping, you need to provide your mind and body with an enjoyable experience. Although freebase nicotine and nicotine salts are both compounds that can be used to make e-liquid, understanding their contrasting properties will help you to make an informed choice. But how do they differ? 

Freebase nicotine: When inhaled, this chemical compound is rapidly absorbed into the body, producing a harsh throat hit. This is why freebase nicotine e-liquids are offered in lower, more manageable nicotine strengths. 

Nicotine salt: This chemical compound is nicotine in its organic state. When it’s extracted and mixed into the e-liquid, it produces a smooth throat hit that facilitates a more balanced rate of absorption. The smoothness allows nicotine salt e-juice to be manufactured at higher concentrations, which make them a great option for ex-smokers that are transitioning to vaping. 

It’s easy to vape nicotine salts using a closed system

Closed vaping systems are rechargeable, e-cigarette devices that fit pre-filled, e-liquid cartridges into their battery device. Once the cartridge is emptied, it can be disposed of and replaced with a new capsule that can be popped on or screwed onto the device’s battery in its place. Since nicotine salt e-liquids possess higher nicotine strengths, low wattage e-cigs, like the EonSmoke JUUL compatible device, are required to allow the vaper to safely inhale the heightened levels of nicotine. 

What are some of the benefits of nicotine salts?

  • Instant nicotine rush (similar to combustible cigarettes)
  • Intense and smooth throat hit
  • More efficient delivery of nicotine to the bloodstream 
  • User-friendly, low maintenance devices
  • Easy for on-the-go vaping

Have you tried any of the EonSmoke’s JUUL compatible pods lineup? We would love to hear your feedback in the comments section below. 




What are your reasons to quit smoking?

directional sign with "smoking" and "way out" on opposite sides

e-cigarette starter kit

There are so many reasons that people quit smoking — financial, health-related and for the ones they love — but maintaining a smoke-free lifestyle is far more manageable if one of those reasons to quit is for yourself. The truth is that once the novelty of combustible cigarettes becomes less of social activity and more of your everyday behavior, most people are pushed to quit in order to regain control of their lives. However, those who smoke have to weigh their drive to make a change against their addiction to nicotine and the stress of withdrawal if they want to gain the confidence to take action. 

So, whether you’re an ex-smoker who has successfully taken the plunge and started using an e-cigarette starter kit or you’re on the fence about preparing for your quit date, here are some incentives that may help you to throw out your combustible cigarettes for good. 

Quit for your finances 

The cost of a pack of combustible cigarettes adds up quickly. In fact, if you smoke a pack a day, the average amount that you would spend per week would be about $45 (2018 national average price was $6.35 plus tax) and depending on where you live, that cost could be much more. So, it’s easy to see how the financial rewards of quitting are huge, allowing you to begin by growing your savings and also save some money on your insurance premiums.

Quit for your health 

You can look forward to changes in your health from the moment you stop smoking. Illnesses, such as cancer, heart attacks, strokes, lung disease and even vision problems, like cataracts, can become a lowered risk to your health once you remove combustible cigarettes from the equation. Your body will also begin to breathe easier, coughing less as the mucus slowly clears out from your lungs. Within as little as 20 minutes your body will start to make these changes and it will continue to heal over time, adding years onto your life. 

Quit for your loved ones 

Secondhand smoke harms those around you, particularly young children. So, if you’re looking for an important reason to quit, do it for your loved ones. Not only does quitting decrease the risk to your friends and family’s health — allergies, asthma and bronchitis — but it also sets a good example for your children or grandchildren who’re still very impressionable. 

Quit for yourself 

Freeing yourself from the stronghold of combustible cigarettes will allow you to feel more energized, more relaxed and more in control of your life. If you quit, you can tell yourself that you’re proud and focused and allow yourself to work on new challenges. If you’re finding that you’re struggling with the setbacks of nicotine withdrawal, try using an e-cigarette starter kit to curb the cravings, allowing you to vape the nicotine concentration level that your body needs, while overcoming your tobacco dependency. That way once you’re feeling comfortable, you can slowly decrease your nicotine strength and reap the rewards of nicotine-free vaping. 

Have you ever thought about trying an e-cigarette starter kit to help you quit smoking? Describe your personal experience in the comments section below.