What You Can Do After a Slip or Smoking Relapse

beautiful girl refusing combustible cigarettes

Was your new year resolution to stop smoking? By now, you may be finding it increasingly difficult to stick to your goals. Don’t despair; it is perfectly normal. After all, quitting is a process, and some days are harder than others. If you’ve had a slip or fear a relapse, this blog will provide you with concrete strategies to help you cope with those situations.

What is the difference between a slip and a relapse?

A slip is a temporary setback where you have one or two cigarettes after you’ve quit smoking, and it is most likely to occur in the first few months. A relapse, on the other hand, is when you begin smoking regularly again. Unfortunately, both situations are common, and it often takes smokers multiple attempts to kick the habit for good. So, if you’ve had a slip or a relapse, here is what you can do.

Identify your triggers.

Triggers come in various forms. Some people are more prone to smoking in stressful situations while others find it hard to resist the temptation at a party, surrounded by other smokers. Sometimes, the urge to smoke can come when you are going about your daily life, such as having a cup of coffee in the morning.

Come up with a plan to deal with your triggers.

Depending on your trigger, your plan to cope will differ. If strong emotions make you more susceptible to a slip, learning to talk about your feelings to a trusted friend or practicing stress and anxiety management techniques, such as taking slow, deep breaths can help. Exercise and calming music can also have a positive impact on you, reducing your cravings for cigarettes.

If you’re more tempted in social situations, remind your friends and family that you have decided to quit, and politely ask them to avoid smoking around you. You may also want to consider nicotine replacement options, such as the patch, lozenges, or e-cigs to help you fight the urge to smoke. In addition to delivering nicotine without the thousands of noxious chemicals in smoke, e-cigs also provide you with that comforting inhale and exhale feeling that you’re accustomed to since using them closely mimics the act of smoking.

Similarly, if your cravings occur as a result of a pattern that you have developed over the years, using a nicotine replacement alternative, such as e-cigarettes, can satisfy your physical withdrawal symptoms. If you only miss the act of smoking, using a nicotine-free e-cig can help you maintain those habits without resorting to smoking or consuming nicotine at all.

Don’t give up.

Those who have been smoking for a long time know that it is a highly addictive habit, and if you’ve successfully stopped even for a short period of time, that is something to celebrate. Remember the feeling of accomplishment that you had while you were smoke-free and the noticeable health benefits that you enjoyed during that time to help you get back on track.

Have you recently had a slip or a relapse? What strategies worked for you? Tell us in the comments section below.

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