Aussie E-Cig Ban Is a Harsh Blow to Smokers

vaping young man with, produces vapor on sunset sky background at the sea coast promenade, place for text

The recent proposal by the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration’s (TGA) to effectively ban nicotine-containing e-cigs means Australian smokers will be denied access to devices which, according to a wealth of evidence, are likely to help smokers quit.

This proposal comes as a shock to many, since other products containing much higher levels of nicotine, such as cigarettes, are freely available in Australia and do not need TGA approval. If this decision is made final next month, e-cig users will officially be unable to buy or import nicotine for vaping without a prescription from their doctor.

A ban such as this is likely to drastically reduce the number of smokers who are able to quit, and may force e-cig users to source nicotine solutions from an unregulated and illegal black market, or buy nicotine online and mix their own e-liquid at home, both of which will place them at great risk.

This decision will also leave Australia out of step with other countries in Europe, the United States, Canada and New Zealand, where e-cigs containing nicotine are either legal, or are in the process of being legalized.

“It is important to promote the use of e-cigarettes … as widely as possible as a substitute for smoking,” said a spokesperson for the Royal College of Physicians.

We want to hear your opinion on this subject. Comment below or tweet us @ILoveEcigs

New study finds e-cigs are far safer than conventional cigarettes

male mouth is blowing smoke out, with bokeh background

A recent study has found that consuming e-cigarettes if far safer and less toxic than smoking conventional tobacco cigarettes.

The study, which was led by a public health and epidemiology specialist at University College London, analyzed levels of dangerous and cancer-causing substances in the body and found that people who switched from smoking regular cigarettes to e-cigarettes or nicotine replacement therapy (NRT), has much lower levels of toxins in their saliva and urine than those who continued to smoke.

Lion Shahab, the specialist, said that the study “adds to existing evidence showing that e-cigarettes and NRT are far safer than smoking, and suggests that there is a very low risk associated with their long-term use.”

People who used e-cigarettes or NRT but did not completely quit smoking did not show the same drop in toxin levels. This underlined that a complete switch is needed to get the long-term health benefits of quitting tobacco, the researchers said.

According to the World Health Organization, tobacco smoking currently kills around 6 million people a year, and it will have killed approximately one billion people by the end of this century if trends continue.

“Switching to e-cigarettes can significantly reduce harm to smokers, with greatly reduced exposure to carcinogens and toxins,” he said in a statement. “The findings also make clear that the benefit is only realized if people stop smoking completely and make a total switch.

“The best thing a smoker can do, for themselves and those around them, is to quit now, completely and forever.”

If you want to quit smoking with vaping too, don’t forget to check out our ultimate guide to lower your nicotine levels!


We provide premium and high quality products such as our Logic Pro Advanced Vapor System and our Logic Disposable Electronic CigarettesOrder yours today!


What has your experience been like switching from regular cigarettes to e-cigs? Comment below or tweet us @ILoveEcigs

5 Things You Should Avoid Saying to a Vaper

beautiful girl smoking electronic cigarette

We know that e-cigarettes are booming in popularity, but it’s fair to say that people’s knowledge of them is somewhat limited compared to that of regular cigarettes. E-cig users are being bombarded with comments from people without any real awareness of the devices. This blog post highlights some of our favorite vaping misconceptions. Here are some of the things you should avoid saying to a vaper.

1) “I didn’t realize you still smoke?”

As we vapers know, smoking and vaping are not the same thing. For starters, cigarette smoke contains over 4,000 chemicals, including 43 known cancer-causing (carcinogenic) compounds and 400 other toxins. E-cigs by ILoveEcigs contain four simple ingredients: Propylene Glycol, an FDA approved food additive, which is found in many health products and medicines, Water, pure and simple, Flavorings, which give the vapor its flavor, and finally, a small dose of Nicotine.

2) “I just used willpower to quit”

Just because one method works for one person, it doesn’t mean that it will necessary work for another. Some people choose to move to e-cigs to slowly wean themselves away from their nicotine addictions, which is further supported by the varied nicotine levels offered in the E-cigs sold by ILoveEcigs. Vapers can satisfy their cravings while gradually reducing their nicotine usage. It should also be added that not all e-cig users are former smokers.

3) “Why don’t you quit smoking?”

As with comment number one, vaping and smoking are very different things. Their only real similarity is that they both contain nicotine, while traditional cigarettes contain known carcinogens and toxic chemicals.

4) “E-Cigs are far more addictive than real cigarettes”

This comment is complete fabrication, based on nothing other than assumption. Various studies, including one study recently published by Nicotine & Tobacco Research, assessed more than 3,600 e-cig users’ previous dependence on cigarettes and their current dependence on e-cigarettes, and found e-cigs to be less addictive.

5) “Regular cigarettes cost less than e-cigs”

Indeed, the initial cost of buying your e-cig kit is more expensive, but in fact regular cigarettes are far more costly in the long run. Check out our previous blog post, ‘The Cost of E-cigs vs Regular Cigarettes’ for more information.

If you want to quit smoking with vaping too, don’t forget to check out our ultimate guide to lower your nicotine levels!


We provide premium and high quality products such as our Logic Pro Advanced Vapor System and our Logic Disposable Electronic CigarettesOrder yours today!


Have you recently started vaping? We’d love to hear some of the misinformed comments you’ve received. Comment below or share them @ILoveEcigs

5 of the best e-cig videos on YouTube

Man with beard vaping outdoor electronic cigarette

Man with beard smoking electronic sigarette outdoor

We’ve searched YouTube for a selection of the best vaping videos, finding everything from their benefits, to reasons why you should switch to e-cigs. Do you have a favorite e-cig video? Share it with us in the comments section below or tweet us @ILoveEcigs.

Top 10 Facts About E-Cigarettes

If you’re reading this blog post, chances are you’re either a vaping enthusiast, or you’re just starting out in the world of e-cigs. This video shares 10 facts about e-cigs you might not know.

People Try Vaping for the First Time

In this video, the people from Mist TV (online UK channel) see how many smokers they can convert from smoking to vaping. See the results of people trying vaping for the first time.

10 Reasons Why You Should Switch To Electronic Cigarettes

As most people know, switching to e-cigs is a better and healthier alternative to smoking. Watch this video for 10 reasons why you should make the transition.

Benefits of Electronic Cigarettes That Are Super Awesome

We at ILoveEcigs think e-cigs are awesome, and so do the website behind this informative and fun video. Watch it below!

A Beginner’s Guide to Vaping

This video outlines the basics of vaping, taking you through all the basic information so you can find the switch to vaping is as hassle free as possible.