3 Ways to Help Lead You to A Smoke-Free Holiday Season

A smiling girl holding a broken cigarette

Quitting smoking isn’t easy for everyone, and the holiday season can be one of the hardest times of the year for those who are trying to kick the habit. Whether you’re stressed about the pressures that your loved ones may put on you or you possess some financial insecurities, the Yuletide festivities often bring about added worries and stresses. Needless to say, if you’re a determined go-getter who wants to get on the road to a successful transition, here are a few ways that will help get you on track to quit so that you can celebrate the jamboree of holiday cheer alongside this monumental achievement. 

Focus on your reason to quit

Your motivation to quit smoking needs to be a powerful, personal reason if you’re wanting to find the right amount of determination and drive to make things happen. Maybe you want to protect your children from the effects of secondhand smoke or you’re hoping to lower your chances of getting lung cancer, heart disease, or other chronic conditions that can be heightened in smokers? Nevertheless, it’s important for you to select an intention that gives you the drive to make a change, so ensure that your reasoning is strong enough to outweigh your urge to light up. 

Decide if going cold turkey is the right move for you

Quitting combustible cigarettes indefinitely is more than simply throwing out your pack, it’s about targeting the addiction and finding ways to help your brain overcome the nicotine cravings. While many smokers in transition will rely on various nicotine replacement therapies — nicotine patches, gum or lozenges — when it comes to conquering nicotine withdrawal, using a Logic vape pen is a great way to supplement needed nicotine levels while removing the chemicals that you expose yourself to when you smoke tobacco. Also, since Logic vape pens mimic the look, taste, and feel of combustibles, ex-smokers are better able to find comfort in vaping when they’re undergoing this major life transition. 

Rely on your loved ones

Encouragement and support will help you to reinforce your decision to quit smoking, so once you’ve pronounced that combustible cigarettes no longer deserve a place in your life, reach out to your friends and family for reassurance when you’re feeling tempted to light up. You can also search online to see if your municipality has a quit-smoking support group or counseling service to assist you with your quit-smoking plan.

Have you ever used the following quit-smoking tips to help limit your combustible cigarette intake? Please share your firsthand story with our readers. 

How Can Smoking Combustible Cigarettes Affect Diabetics?

man measuring his blood sugar using a diabetic tool

 e-cig starter kit

If you haven’t already heard, smoking is bad for your health and while there’s a wide range of risks to your well-being long-term, your organs physically take a huge beating. That being said, as bad as smoking is for the average person, it’s fatally worse for those who are diabetic, raising their sugar levels, causing heart and blood vessel damage, and even putting their vision in jeopardy. So, if you haven’t taken the time to learn about how smoking combustible cigarettes affects diabetes, please continue to read. We won’t be sugarcoating any of the facts! 

Smoking raises your blood sugar 

As a diabetic or even a pre-diabetic, you’re already having to watch your blood sugar levels to ensure that they’re properly managed, and those who are heavy smokers are faced with more challenges. The reality is that cigarette smoke contains an assortment of toxic ingredients that have the power to change your cells’ ability to use insulin. It’s a real problem when your body’s cells become insulin resistant, as they will then be unable to transform the glucose from your blood into conformable energy. Moreover, if high glucose levels remain in your blood, your sugar levels will spike, leading to detrimental damage to your kidneys, nerves, and eyes. So, regardless if you’re a type 1 or type 2 diabetic, if you want to avoid significant organ damage due to high sugar levels, it’s important to consider methods that will help you to decrease your smoking habits. 

Smoking causes heart and blood vessel damage

Long-term exposure to combustible cigarettes has been proven to cause severe damage to your cardiovascular system and unlike diabetes, smoking is something that’s within your control. That’s why so many smokers have difficulty breathing, often wheezing during activities that require moderate levels of energy. 

If you’re someone who has diabetes, you’re already two to four times more likely to develop heart disease or have a stroke than people who don’t possess the condition and when you smoke those odds are heightened drastically. In fact, inhaling the high nicotine levels that are found within combustible cigarettes causes your blood vessels to constrict and narrow, limiting the amount of blood that can flow to your organs. These changes to the structure and functioning of the vessels increase your blood pressure and put tension on the heart, causing it to work harder. That’s part of the reason why the risk of cardiovascular disease is so high in smokers. 

Smoking damages your eyes

Diabetics possess a high risk for several eye diseases, including cataracts and glaucoma and if their condition is not properly controlled, it can also lead to blindness. However, when you smoke you increase your risk of macular degeneration which can eventually lead you to the same result, sight loss. So, when you combine smoking with diabetes, you’re creating a result that’s both destructive to your vision and overall eye health.  

What can you do to lower your risk? 

If you want to lower your risk of smoking-related complications you will need to quit smoking. Of course, that’s easier said than done, but there are many ways to use nicotine replacement therapies to kick your addictive cravings. 

  • An e-cig starter kit is one of the most successful alternative smoking methods, allowing the ex-smoker to quit gradually by decreasing their nicotine concentration levels over time. 
  • Nicotine chewing gum decreases your withdrawal symptoms and substitutes as an oral activity. 
  • The nicotine patch attaches to your skin like an adhesive bandage, delivering a small, constant amount of nicotine through to your bloodstream.  

If you currently smoke, recognizing the benefits of quitting is your first crucial step. So, whether your way to lower your nicotine consumption rests with an e-cig starter kit, nicotine gum or the patch, if you’re diabetic, it’s important to find the smoking cessation aid that will help to lower your risk of developing many health problems. After all, since you’ve already been forced to make changes to your eating habits, making changes to your smoking habits should naturally follow suit.  

What did you learn about diabetes and the effects of smoking? Drop a comment below to share an engaging conversation. 


How has vaping given you more independence?

a man vaping with american flag in the background

 Logic vape pen

Tomorrow is the Fourth of July! So, why not expand your gratitude by celebrating something else that can enable you to feel just as independent? Yes, we’re talking about proclaiming your love for e-cigs! While combustible cigarettes have a stronghold on smokers, bending their willpower to the demands of tobacco and nicotine, vapers are more accustomed to their own sovereignty, choosing their flavors and nicotine concentration levels while also enjoying the freedom to have a flexible quitting date. So, if you want to celebrate Independence Day in style this year, perhaps a state-of-the-art Logic vape pen might be the celebratory accessory you’ve been looking for.

With freedom comes more flavors

Both the Logic Pro Advanced Vapor System and the Logic Power Series possess so many delicious flavor varieties. While traditional cigarettes can only offer vigorous tobaccos and cool menthols, e-cigarettes have the power to present an endless array of signature extracts that cater to the unique palettes of each vaper. While the Logic vape pen sells cartomizers that mimic the taste of tobacco and menthol, there’s also a signature cherry essence that offers a tasty, sweet alternative. More daring vapers can upgrade to an EonSmoke JUUL compatible device which provides 16 adventuresome flavors like pineapple, mango and silky strawberry.  

Being independent of tobacco means more nicotine choices

The nicotine levels within combustible cigarettes don’t offer much wiggle room to smokers who’re looking to decrease their nicotine intake. That’s why it’s so advantageous to vape. Ex-smokers who’re used to enjoying light cigarettes or those who only have a few combustibles a day could benefit from transitioning to a Logic vape pen with a 1.6% or 1.8% nicotine strength. If their habits require something a little stronger, there are e-cigs with a 2.4% nicotine strength and even convenient disposables that are offered in a 3.5% nicotine concentration level. Heavy ex-smokers should gravitate towards products like EonSmoke JUUL Compatible Pods which are sold in an enticingly high 6% salt nicotine strength.

Your quit date is your choice   

It can be difficult for your body to adjust to a life without combustible cigarettes, which is why very few ex-smokers successfully quit by going cold turkey. So, why not try managing your nicotine withdrawal by using an e-cig? These electronic nicotine systems give vapers the power to have greater freedom, offering them a safer method of nicotine delivery that can be decreased over time. This allows them to select a date in the distant future and slowly wean their nicotine intake to a point where e-cigs may no longer be required. There’s no need to shock your body when you have a Logic vape products or EonSmoke JUUL Compatible pods and devices to help with your tobacco and nicotine cravings.

What percentage of nicotine meets your needs as a vaper? Drop a comment below to share with our readers.

Alex Wilks is the Social Media & Content Creator for Trek Marketing. Her work has been featured on Global News, Black Press Media, andthe Kwantlen Chronicle

Many U.S. youth are living in cigarette-friendly homes

child covering his nose from smoke

EonSmoke Disposable Electronic Cigarettes

Even with widespread knowledge pertaining to how combustible cigarettes impact the development of youth, along with notable research suggesting various health concerns throughout adulthood, there is still a high percentage of Americans who have built their living conditions around their need for tobacco and nicotine. That being said, since there’s no risk-free level of secondhand smoke exposure, children who live in cigarette-friendly homes are at a greater risk for an assortment of hazardous health problems.

Secondhand health effects in children

Exposure to secondhand smoke can cause the following health problems in children:

  • Ear infections
  • Frequent and severe asthma attacks
  • Multiple respiratory problems (ex. coughing, sneezing and shortness in breath)
  • Respiratory infections (ex. bronchitis and pneumonia)
  • Greater risk for sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)

What do statistics suggest?

While there are and have always been various studies fluctuating the scale, these statistics say it all:

  • About 58 million nonsmokers in the U.S. are exposed to secondhand smoke
  • Children who live in apartments or condos have 45% higher cotinine levels (passive tobacco smoke in their blood, saliva and urine)
  • 2 out of every 5 children (3 to 11 years in age) are exposed to secondhand smoke regularly
  • About 1 in 3 nonsmokers who live in a rental unit are exposed to secondhand smoke

What does this mean?

Although cigarette use in the home and in cars has decreased when compared to prior decades, it’s still a large, nationwide problem, especially when addressing the effects it can have on the health of children. Whether you’re a smoker, a renter, a multi-household dweller or simply someone who invites over guests who smoke, it’s your job to promote child health by decreasing exposure to environmental tobacco smoke. Here’s how:

  • Quit smoking if you’re not already a nonsmoker
  • Do not allow anyone to smoke in or around your home
  • Do not allow anyone to smoke in or around your car
  • Ensure that your child’s daycare or school is tobacco-free
  • Keep your kids away from smoking areas.
  • Try using an e-cig as a safer option (ex. EonSmoke Disposable Electronic Cigarettes are prefilled to prevent spillage)

Not only are children at a higher risk when exposed to secondhand smoke, but they’re also more likely to try smoking themselves.

Which EonSmoke Disposable Electronic Cigarette will you be testing out? Drop a comment below to share with our readers.  

Alex Wilks is the Social Media & Content Creator for Trek Marketing. Her work has been featured on Global News, Black Press Media, andthe Kwantlen Chronicle

The dangers of secondhand smoke

hand helping someone to resist on smoking a cigarette

Logic vape pen

While most smokers are aware of the long list of risks and smoking-related health concerns, many don’t take the time to think about how their habitual routine affects those around them. Children, pets, co-workers and strangers passing by on the street are all subjected to the smoke that’s exhaled by a smoker. Although secondhand smoke isn’t considered to be as dangerous as inhaling directly from a combustible cigarette, it does contain a mixture of dangerous tobacco byproducts — volatile gasses, carcinogenic particles and carbon monoxide to name a few. So, how is the well-being of the people and animals in your life affected by your choice to light up?

How does secondhand smoke affect non-smokers?

When a non-smoker is exposed to secondhand smoke on a regular basis, their bodies, like the person smoking, has the potential to absorb nicotine and other harmful substances. With the average cigarette containing more than 4000 chemical compounds, of which 250 are toxic to the body, the smoke lingering behind in the air is just as harmful to breathe as the smoke inhaled directly from the combustible cigarette.

In fact, did you know that:  

  • After 5 minutes of cigarette smoke exposure your aorta — the main artery pumping blood throughout your body— begins to stiffen.
  • After 20 to 30 minutes of cigarette smoke exposure, your blood begins to clot, which puts you at a higher risk of heart attack and stroke.
  • Lung cancer and lung disease (including emphysema, asthma and chronic bronchitis) are 20% to 30% more likely to develop in non-smokers who’re exposed regularly to secondhand smoke.
  • There is an increased risk of heart disease.
  • Chronic eye and nasal irritations are more common, including respiratory infections.

What can you do as a smoker to help those around you?

The following list might be helpful if you’re hoping to reduce the exposure of secondhand smoke around you:

  • Smoke outside and try wearing the same piece of outerwear each time you do in order to avoid the clinginess of smoke to your clothing.
  • Don’t smoke right outside any doorways or windows.
  • Don’t keep your ashtrays in the common areas of your home and workplace.
  • Ensure that any of your visitors follow the same rules and are mindful of your children and pets.
  • If you’re on holidays, request a non-smoking room and ensure that all your smoke breaks are done outside.
  • Make a change and try vaping instead. A Logic vape pen is a great combustible cigarette replacement, providing ex-smokers a choice of delicious flavors and nicotine strengths. They are also smoke-free and free of odor.

Since vaping is the most fulfilling way to tackle your problem with secondhand smoke, which Logic vape pen will you be testing out? Drop a comment below to share with our readers.

Alex Wilks is the Social Media & Content Creator for Trek Marketing. Her work has been featured on Global News, Black Press Media, andthe Kwantlen Chronicle

How does tobacco affect your fitness goals?

fit man running with hills on the background

Logic Power series

Every day that you manage to cut back on your tobacco intake is a small victory for the health and well-being of your body. While it’s no secret that smoking does irreversible damage to your blood, lungs and heart, many people remain confined by the hold of addiction and the constraints of their habitual routine. That being said since combustible cigarettes are already holding you back from repairing your health, don’t let them hold you back from achieving your fitness goals.

Smoking conventional cigarettes hurt your athletic performance and make your ability to exercise increasingly difficult. “Why?” you ask. Well, it’s because tobacco contains the addictive ingredient nicotine which has a drastic impact on your body’s natural, autonomic systems.

What does tobacco do to your blood?

When you smoke, the toxins from the tar within your cigarette enter your blood. This makes the blood thicker and increases the chances of clot formations. Since your blood pressure rises, your heart rate heightens, which forces it to work harder than normal. Also, your arteries start to narrow, reducing the amount of oxygen-rich blood that can circulate to your organs.

As you can see, all of the above effects will make exercise more difficult on the mind and body. Since you’re already forcing your heart to work harder when you’re doing exercise, if you’re a smoker it’s being pumped into overdrive in order to achieve the same exponential performance.

What does tobacco do to your lungs?

Your lungs are badly affected when you choose to smoke conventional cigarettes. Coughs, colds and asthma are just the start of your health problems since prolonged smoking has the ability to cause diseases such as pneumonia, emphysema and lung cancer. So, typically, if people continue to smoke their lung conditions worsen and can greatly impact their breathing which makes their ability to exercise more difficult.

What does tobacco do to your heart?

The carbon monoxide from tobacco smoke and nicotine puts a strain on your heart and causes it to rapidly pump faster. By continuing to smoke, the damage to your heart grows and the risks of developing conditions such as coronary heart disease and strokes are drastically increased. That being said, tobacco is not the only substance from traditional cigarettes that affects the heart. There are many other toxins — butane, acetone and arsenic — within a cigarette that can cause damage to the lining of your coronary arteries.

How can the Logic Power series help you achieve your fitness goals?

While exercise can be an important part of your plan to quit smoking, it can also be difficult to feel motivated. That’s why it’s essential to pair exercise with an e-cigarette so that you will have the help you need to manage your nicotine withdrawal symptoms.

The Logic Power series is an intuitive e-cig design that allows you to puff thick, rich vapor rather than smoke. It’s an easy-to-use technology that possesses your favorite traditional flavors, like tobacco and menthol, as well as some popular fruity aromas, like cherry.

When you choose to vape the Logic Power series, you’re choosing to combat your tobacco and nicotine dependency by lowering your nicotine concentration levels over time. The less nicotine there is in your bloodstream means that your body is able to exercise with good lung capacity, a normal resting heart rate and regular blood flow between your heart and other muscles.

Have you considered e-cigarettes as a way to improve your fitness? Tell us all about it in the comments section below.

What You Can Do After a Slip or Smoking Relapse

beautiful girl refusing combustible cigarettes

Was your new year resolution to stop smoking? By now, you may be finding it increasingly difficult to stick to your goals. Don’t despair; it is perfectly normal. After all, quitting is a process, and some days are harder than others. If you’ve had a slip or fear a relapse, this blog will provide you with concrete strategies to help you cope with those situations.

What is the difference between a slip and a relapse?

A slip is a temporary setback where you have one or two cigarettes after you’ve quit smoking, and it is most likely to occur in the first few months. A relapse, on the other hand, is when you begin smoking regularly again. Unfortunately, both situations are common, and it often takes smokers multiple attempts to kick the habit for good. So, if you’ve had a slip or a relapse, here is what you can do.

Identify your triggers.

Triggers come in various forms. Some people are more prone to smoking in stressful situations while others find it hard to resist the temptation at a party, surrounded by other smokers. Sometimes, the urge to smoke can come when you are going about your daily life, such as having a cup of coffee in the morning.

Come up with a plan to deal with your triggers.

Depending on your trigger, your plan to cope will differ. If strong emotions make you more susceptible to a slip, learning to talk about your feelings to a trusted friend or practicing stress and anxiety management techniques, such as taking slow, deep breaths can help. Exercise and calming music can also have a positive impact on you, reducing your cravings for cigarettes.

If you’re more tempted in social situations, remind your friends and family that you have decided to quit, and politely ask them to avoid smoking around you. You may also want to consider nicotine replacement options, such as the patch, lozenges, or e-cigs to help you fight the urge to smoke. In addition to delivering nicotine without the thousands of noxious chemicals in smoke, e-cigs also provide you with that comforting inhale and exhale feeling that you’re accustomed to since using them closely mimics the act of smoking.

Similarly, if your cravings occur as a result of a pattern that you have developed over the years, using a nicotine replacement alternative, such as e-cigarettes, can satisfy your physical withdrawal symptoms. If you only miss the act of smoking, using a nicotine-free e-cig can help you maintain those habits without resorting to smoking or consuming nicotine at all.

Don’t give up.

Those who have been smoking for a long time know that it is a highly addictive habit, and if you’ve successfully stopped even for a short period of time, that is something to celebrate. Remember the feeling of accomplishment that you had while you were smoke-free and the noticeable health benefits that you enjoyed during that time to help you get back on track.

Have you recently had a slip or a relapse? What strategies worked for you? Tell us in the comments section below.

Cancer Research UK Launches E-Cigarette Campaign in Greater Manchester

man in suit comparing e-cigs and cigarette


Cancer Research UK, in collaboration with Public Health England (PHE) and the Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership, has recently launched an e-cigarette campaign with the aim to increase awareness of the relative safety of these electronic devices compared to smoking combustible cigarettes.

Since Manchester has a high smoking prevalence level, the campaign is targeting local smokers aged 25 to 55 who are looking to quit the deadly habit. The marketing initiatives include outdoor advertising, ads on buses, billboards, as well as phone booth and washroom posters, which can be seen across Greater Manchester until February 18th.

According to research published by Action on Smoking and Health (ASH), “in 2017 only 13% of adults correctly identified that e-cigarettes are much less harmful, compared to 21% in 2013.” Since there is rampant, and increasing, misconception among the general public that e-cigs are just as, if not more, damaging than traditional cigarettes, the campaign strives to acquaint people with the research to date. According to Cancer Research UK, the evidence shows that vaping is much safer than smoking as “there is no smoke, tar or carbon monoxide, and studies looking at key toxicants have generally found much lower levels than in cigarettes.”

Another key goal of the campaign is to inform people that e-cigarettes do not contain cancer-causing tobacco, although they may contain nicotine. However, despite the substance being addictive, the delivery mechanism – heating as opposed to burning – makes e-cigarettes “far closer to other nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) products than tobacco in terms of harm.”

Lastly, they want to highlight that many smokers in the UK are turning to e-cigarettes to help them stop smoking. In fact, for the first time, a survey conducted by ASH found that there were more ex-smokers, 1.5 million, who use the electronic devices than current smokers. Furthermore, “the main reason people offered for their use of e-cigarettes was to stop smoking.”

What are your thoughts on this government-sponsored e-cigarette campaign in the UK? Share your thoughts with us in the comments section below.

Who Uses Zero-Nicotine E-Cigs?

non-nicotine e-cigarettes

non-nicotine e-cigarettes

Electronic cigarettes, such as Logic Pro Advanced Vapor System function by heating a liquid, usually composed of vegetable glycerin, propylene glycol, nicotine, and flavoring, to produce a vapor that the user inhales. While most people are familiar with e-cigs containing nicotine, many are unaware that there are also non-nicotine e-cigarette options. So, who uses zero-nicotine e-cigs?


While combustible cigarettes are typically only available in regular and light options, e-cigarettes offer vapers more choice when it comes to nicotine strength. When ex-smokers first transition to vaping, they tend to opt for the stronger concentration, such as the 2.4% nicotine – 27 mg level to effectively suppress physical nicotine withdrawal symptoms resulting from quitting cigarettes. With time, they can move to a lower level, such as the 1.8% nicotine -20 mg level, which helps them reduce their dependence. Eventually, if their goal is to give up nicotine without giving up their habits, such as their “smoke breaks,” they often turn to non-nicotine e-cigarettes to maintain their social rituals. After all, quitting smoking is not only about the nicotine.

Don’t forget to check out our ultimate guide to lower your nicotine levels!

Vapers Who Enjoy The Flavors

Non-nicotine e-cigarettes come in a myriad of delicious flavors. Some people simply enjoy savoring the taste and basking in the heavenly aromas. From the traditional tobacco and menthol to fruity strawberry and peach to tropical mango and passionfruit, there’s a flavor for all palettes. Vapers enjoy discovering and trying new ones or recommending their favorites to other vaping enthusiasts.

People Watching Their Caloric Intake

Since non-nicotine e-cigs come in such a fantastic range of delectable options, some vapers turn to them to satisfy their sweet tooth. Rather than indulge in a strawberry cheesecake after a heavy dinner, for instance, a puff or two of the strawberry-flavored non-nicotine e-cig can help reduce the temptation and provide guilt-free gratification.

Social Vapers

People who don’t vape regularly and who don’t smoke can sometimes partake in social vaping on special occasions such as a wedding or university graduation party. Since they don’t consume nicotine, they are more likely to choose non-nicotine e-cigarettes over those that contain the substance.

Do you vape without nicotine? What is your reason for doing so? Share your thoughts with us in the comments section below.

Why Ex-Smokers Prefer E-Cigs to Other Nicotine Replacement Methods

Why Ex-Smokers Prefer E-Cigs to Other Nicotine Replacement Methods

Why Ex-Smokers Prefer E-Cigs to Other Nicotine Replacement Methods

Mood swings, frustration, and restlessness – it is no easy feat to quit smoking. Vaping is an affordable and comfortable means to transition from and overcome that habit and is better and more effective than other alternatives such as nicotine gum, patches, and lozenges. Consider the following reasons why smokers prefer vaping to be the best option for kicking their reliance on tobacco products.

Psychologically Satisfying

Think about the actual motions of reaching for a cigarette and holding it while you inhale, then exhale and how satisfying that hand-to-mouth feeling. Whatever your reasons for smoking, there is no denying that part of the appeal lies in the psychological and habitual aspects, and that’s one of the toughest parts to beat. Aside from losing that replication with other methods, you have to be concerned about placement and skin sensitivities using patches, and gum or lozenges may be spit out before they’ve taken effect. A Logic Power Series E-Cigarette, however, gives ex-smokers that tactile sensation they are used to.

Less Money for More

Anything new usually involves an investment, but chances are, you’ll be surprised at how the cost of vaping compares, both to typical cigarettes and to gum and patches. With a Logic Pro Vaporizer Starter Kit that includes a 600 MAH battery and a USB charger, you can enjoy the savings that vaping brings. Pair it with a two-pack of Refill Cartomizers so that you always have a puff available when needed. You also have the confidence of getting the most for your money without having to worry about waste, such as what may result from wet or damaged patches or dropping or losing lozenges and gum. Furthermore, a club membership gives you an additional incentive to try new, satisfying e-cig flavors.

Stress-Free Use that You Control

Other methods require you to adhere to a certain amount per day or for a specified period of time and may produce undesirable side effects if you don’t do it thoroughly. With vaping, you can use your e-cig without pressure and at a broader range of nicotine levels. Moving at your own pace from 2.4% nicotine strength e-juice to zero-nicotine e-cigarettes is another key to a stress-free transition.

Georgetown Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center’s study on quitting tobacco recommended vaping as the alternative to smoking, even citing additional years of health and longevity. So what are you waiting for?

Don’t forget to check out our 4 best tips to reduce your stress levels when trying to quit smoking!

Have you quit smoking by transitioning to e-cigs? Tell us your reasons in the comments section below.