Gift Ideas for Vaping Enthusiasts

Gift Ideas for Vaping Enthusiasts

Gift Ideas for Vaping Enthusiasts

Kudos to your friend or family member who has embarked on a Nicotine Reduction Program and is enjoying the benefits and pleasure of e-cigarettes. As crunch time descends upon holiday shopping, consider these vape gift ideas for enhancing this safe and affordable alternative to smoking.

Power Series Starter Kit

When switching from combustible cigarettes to e-cigs, it’s important to do so gradually so the body adapts to decreasing levels of nicotine. The Logic Power Series Starter Kit is a great cost-effective introduction to vaping. The rechargeable lithium battery powered e-cigarettes, available in 2.4% nicotine strength, are ideal for ex-smokers who still require a high concentration of nicotine to keep their cravings at bay. Tobacco and menthol flavors are classic options and always a hit, but you can surprise them with the delicious taste of cherry, perfect for the holidays. And if you want to take home the title of best gift-giver this time of year and make your gift last even longer, pair the starter kit with a set of refill cartomizers. A two-pack will provide the equivalent of four packs of cigarettes, but at a much cheaper rate and without the toxic odor and side-effects that smoke creates.

Logic Pro Vaporizer

The Logic Pro Vaporizer is a great option for vapers who want to alternate between varying levels of nicotine. This pen and charger combo matches well with a two-pack of e-liquid capsules, available in 1.6% and 1.8%, nicotine concentrations and several flavors, including tobacco, berry mint, menthol, and cherry. Although safety precautions should always be taken around pets and children, the capsules’ lock feature prevents activation unless attached to the pen, ensuring the safety of your little ones.

Cubano E-Cigar

If your beloved appreciates cigars, or is interested in something different to vape, there’s a stogie to satisfy that craving. At a 1.8% nicotine level, the Cubano delivers approximately 1,800 puffs, putting it on par with nine Churchills. It’s a sharp looking product, with a 1,300 mAh (milliampere to hours) battery, that’s perfect for tucking alongside a gift of coffee, spirits, or show tickets.

Zero-Nicotine E-Cigs

For ex-smokers who have worked their way down nicotine levels, zero nicotine e cigarette  provide about 800 puffs each, and come in an assortment of delightful flavors, such as tangy mango and sweet strawberry. Whether you choose a single taste or a couple of different ones, they’re the kind of vape gift ideas that are always welcomed. Add in a membership card, and give the vaper in your life a memorable present that continues well past the holidays.

Did you find our vape gift ideas helpful? Tell us what you plan on gifting the vaper in your life this holiday season!

4 Reasons People Enjoy Vaping

beautiful girl smoking vape in a vibrant garden

4 Reasons People Enjoy Vaping

According to the CDC’s National Center for Health Statistics, approximately 3.7% of adults in the US use e-cigarettes. Across the pond, the results of a survey by the Royal College of Physicians group, ASH (Action on Smoking & Health), show that there are about 2.9 million vapers in the UK. The popularity of e-cigarettes continues to rise as smokers learn more about why it is better to choose vaping over other nicotine delivery options.

Comfortable Way to Quit Smoking

Adhering to changes is one of the biggest challenges to modifying a routine. Since taking an alternative nicotine delivery product such as the patch means creating a new routine, it is common for people to forget to apply it, aggravating withdrawal symptoms. Also, with the patch and the gum, you no longer have the experience that comes from holding a cigarette, which can make the transition less desirable. With e-cigarettes, however, you vape as you please, while still retaining the comfort and relaxation that the physical mannerisms bring you, which, in turn, helps you set the pace for your Nicotine Reduction Program, and makes it easier to achieve your goal. And don’t forget to check out our 4 tips to reduce your stress level when you try to quit smoking!

Fewer Toxins for Yourself and Others

In addition to staining your fingernails, teeth, and skin, wreaking havoc on your respiratory system, and causing “smoker’s cough,” smoking also affects everyone around you. The second-hand smoke and residue are toxic to people, animals, and the environment. The vaping liquid, mainly consisting of propylene glycol (PG) and vegetable glycerin (VG), commonly found in food products to enhance texture, flavor, and moisture, doesn’t impair your health and that of others to the same degree as smoking combustible cigarettes. Additionally, by choosing e-cigarettes that match the levels of nicotine you’re accustomed to, you can safely stay at, or reduce, your intake as desired.

Variety of Flavors

There’s nothing wrong with preferring a tobacco flavor, yet you’re not limited to that taste with e-cigarettes. Flavor profiles range from Tobacco to Mentol, and e-cigs emanate a brief, pleasant scent in the air. You can choose a Logic Power Rechargeable Kit in the flavor of your choice, and for those that fancy stogies, consider the Cubano E-Cigar for that distinct sensory impression.

Greater Savings

Did you know that the aforementioned cigar delivers about 1,800 puffs? Or that one Logic E-Cigarette is equal to two cigarette packs? The cost-effectiveness is even more apparent when you factor in that e-cigarettes are durable and do not go stale.

See which e-cigarettes you prefer, and how much better you feel vaping instead of smoking!

Top Three Benefits of Switching to E-Cigs

Girl blowing smoke in a dark background

Top Three Benefits of Switching to E-Cigs

The CDC’s fact sheet on cigarette smoking should definitely be pause for thought before taking another drag. Smoking increases the risk of cancer, stroke, tooth loss, fertility problems, and a host of other ailments, yet combating the allure of smoking can be difficult. Directors from two leading tobacco study groups approved of e-cigarette use as an alternative to its deleterious combustible counterpart during their lecture at Boston University. Vaping does make a difference, and it has fewer harmful effects than smoking, especially towards health, relationships, and finances, three important concerns.

Safer for Everyone

Vaping means safer inhalation for you since vapor is less toxic than cigarette smoke. The plant-based Vegetable Glycerin (VG) and Propylene Glycol (PG) mixture doesn’t create second-hand or the equally toxic third-hand smoke that cigarettes produce. Lingering residue from smoking stains and from polluted air are unsafe for pets as well as for people. Animals can develop serious health problems from licking themselves or from ingesting butts, ashes, or contaminated water.

By smell alone, non-vapers wouldn’t know there was an e-cigarette user unless they were there during the brief wisp emitted after a puff. Odors (reflecting whatever flavor the e-juice is) dissipate within seconds and do not linger or stain anything.

More Comfortable to be Around

In addition to how we interact amongst loved ones, vaping is conducive at work breaks and social outings. For instance, you can still achieve that relaxing hand-to-mouth sensation without carrying over any off-putting smells from puffing a Cubano E-Cigar before a meeting. And who hasn’t engaged in that familiar, welcoming banter between strangers at concerts, sports games, or while just waiting for a ride? You can confidently vape a rich menthol e-cigarette that won’t offend, and most likely, you won’t be the only one doing so.

Easier on the Wallet

As you work your way towards deliciously flavored nicotine-free e-cigarettes, you’ll see how cost-effective vaping is and how it can help you quit smoking. A two-pack of refill cartomizers equates to approximately four packs of tobacco cigarettes and is available at the higher 2.4% – 27mg and medium 1.8% – 20mg, levels of nicotine. This allows you to transition as slowly or as quickly as you wish, at a cost that’s easier to manage.

Feel better, save money, and enjoy the refreshing benefits of vaping!

Set Great American Smokeout Goals with E-Cigs

close up hands crushing combustible cigarettes

Set Great American Smokeout Goals with E-Cigs

Originating in 1974 as Don’t Smoke Day in Minnesota, then becoming national in 1977, The Great American Smokeout is a day for smokers to initiate a plan to put an end to their smoking habits. E-cigarettes are a terrific way to manage this, often difficult to achieve, goal and are more pleasing psychologically, socially, and financially.

Immediately Noticeable Benefits

In addition to the physical addiction associated with cigarettes, there’s the very essence of smoking that makes for a strong routine. The tangible aspect of holding a cigarette has its own appeal. Whether you choose to vape with a low, medium, or high strength nicotine vape juice and even if you choose to go nicotine-free altogether, e-cigs give you that hand-to-mouth satisfaction while inhaling and exhaling your favorite e-juice flavor. The benefits that come from smoking e-cigarettes instead of traditional cigarettes include:

No second-hand smoke: The resulting vapor cloud is 95% less harmful than smoke from combustible cigarettes, and it only occurs after a puff, whereas regular lit cigarettes emit lingering smoke even when left idle.

No unpleasant odor: Vaping doesn’t create the heavy, unpleasant odor associated with regular cigarettes that clings to skin, clothing, and furniture, eliminating the need to frantically Febreeze your home before having guests over!

More eco-friendly: The absence of leaves and grounds means that there are no ashes and butts to pollute waters and litter the environment. Furthermore, there are recycling programs for e-cigarette components and batteries.

Cost-effectiveness: Put an end to crushed, broken, and wet cigarettes which equates to wasted money. E-cigs cannot be bent, and capsules and refill cartomizers last longer, so you save on cost, and lose anxiety over ruined products. There are also membership programs that offer savings for re-orders, which means that you don’t risk running out of e-juice, keeping you on track with your goals.

A Range of Nicotine Levels to Meet Your Needs

It’s important to pace yourself when transitioning to or with e-cigarettes. Just as if you were slowly decreasing caffeine intake, start with a nicotine level that equals your current tobacco usage. We carry two medium to high levels of nicotine by volume from Logic Pro, Platinum at 2.4% and Black at 1.8%, with flavor options including cherry and menthol. When you’re ready to switch to nicotine-free, the True Puff Nicotine Free E-Cigs, which are available in light and refreshing fruity flavors, deliver up to 800 puffs each, allowing you to remain cigarette-free while enjoying your cherished routine.

Whatever timeline you set for a Nicotine Reduction Program, let e-cigarettes help get you there! Spread the word and share this blog post with smokers who need some help quitting.

Is Vapor from E-Cigs the Same as Smoke from Combustible Cigarettes?

beautiful girl vaping in a couch

Is Vapor from E-Cigs the Same as Smoke from Combustible Cigarettes?

Traditional cigarettes release nicotine through the combustion process which emits smoke whereas electronic cigarettes heat e-liquid to produce vapor that is then inhaled by the user. Since both smoke and vapor look and behave similarly, it is easy to assume that they share the same properties; however, the two are vastly different.

1) Composition

Did you know that there are over 7,000 chemicals in traditional cigarette smoke and that approximately 70 of them are carcinogenic? When cigarette smokers take a puff, they don’t only inhale nicotine, but also thousands of toxins such as cyanide, carbon monoxide, and ammonia, not to mention tar. E-cigarette vapor, on the other hand, contains just a fraction of the toxins emitted by regular cigarettes. Studies conducted by the University of Victoria’s Centre for Addictions Research of BC (CARBC) found strong evidence that e-cigarette vapor is less toxic than smoke.

2) Time to Dissipate

The same study conducted by CARBC found that while smoke takes an average of 18 to 20 minutes to dissipate, vapor from e-cigs evanesces within 30 seconds. In other words, while smokers and bystanders alike are exposed to smoke about a quarter of an hour after it’s been exhaled, secondhand exposure lasts less than a minute with vaping. Also, once a cigarette is lit, it produces smoke regardless of whether the smoker takes a drag or not. With e-cigs, vapor is only produced when the user is actively vaping on the device.

3) Smell

If you’ve ever got a ride in a smoker’s car, you know that the unpleasant smell of a cigarette doesn’t disappear once the smoke vanishes. It lingers and clings on to everything imaginable: hair, clothes, upholstery, fingers, you name it! The scent of vapor, on the other hand, fades away within 30 seconds. Also, since there is a plethora of e-juice possibilities, the smell varies depending on the flavor being used, so some of you may actually welcome the aroma of menthol or cherry!

4) Nicotine Content

Since all combustible cigarettes contain nicotine, the substance is present in smoke too. Not all vapor, though, contains nicotine. Allow us to explain. With vaping, the user has more options, for instance, someone who enjoys tobacco flavored e-cigarettes can choose between the 2.4% (strong) or the 1.8% (moderately strong) nicotine strength, and if they prefer to vape nicotine-free, they can select the zero-nicotine option.

Are you an ex-smoker who has transitioned to vaping? What other differences have you noticed between smoke and vapor? Tell us in the comments section below!

Vaping vs. Smoking: 4 Differences

man with shades and blazer vaping on the street

A guy vaping

Most people are aware that vaping is safer than smoking, and even the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) intends on encouraging innovation of Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems (ENDS) such as e-cigarettes, but what makes vaping better than smoking? In today’s blog post, we’ll look at four major differences between vaping and smoking.


The basic ingredients of traditional cigarettes are tobacco and chemical additives, which are wrapped in a thin paper and fitted with a filter at one end. According to the FDA, there are 93 known toxic chemicals in cigarettes, including ammonia and lead. The basic elements of e-juice, on the other hand, are propylene glycol, vegetable glycerin, flavoring, and nicotine, although zero-nicotine options are also available.


Combustible cigarettes burn tobacco, and that process releases smoke containing nicotine, which is then absorbed through the lungs and bloodstream. Vaping involves using a device such as an e-cigarette to heat e-liquid to vaporize the nicotine, or in the case of zero-nicotine liquid, it releases the flavors in the form of a vapor.


The combustion process in smoking traditional cigarettes releases smoke, which contains over 7,000 chemicals, more than 70 of which can cause cancer. In addition to containing tar, smoke can also yellow teeth and destroy taste buds, not to mention the fact that it leaves an odor that lingers and sticks to everything. Vapor, however, is 95 percent less harmful according to a report released by the Royal College of Physicians, and it is airborne for less than 30 seconds.


According to Keep America Beautiful, although smoking in the U.S. has decreased by 28 percent in the last decade, “cigarette butts remain the most littered item in the U.S. and across the globe,” and that includes discarding of cigarettes on the ground, in planters, and waterways. With vaping, users have the choice between e-cigs that are disposable as well as those that are not, and even disposable e-cigarettes are recyclable. Vapers can easily recycle most of the components in an e-cig, including the battery and cartridges.

Are you an ex-smoker who has successfully transitioned to vaping? Tell us in the comments section below what vaping vs. smoking fact influenced your choice to change!

Doctors in Australia Advocate for E-Cigarette Reforms

3 liquid juices with foggy black background

Doctors in Australia Advocate for E-Cigarette Reforms

According to recent statistics released by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, for the first time in decades, since the implementation of anti-smoking campaigns and taxes on cigarettes, the number of Australians who smoke has increased. Currently, there are 2.4 million Australians who smoke cigarettes, an increase of 21,000 since 2013, prompting the question of whether or not the nation’s anti-smoking policies are still effective.

Dr. Alex Wodak, retired Doctor and currently the Director of the Australian Drug Law Reform Foundation told the Australian press that “Australia is doing everything right in terms of tobacco control,” which includes plain packaging and high taxes on traditional cigarettes. However, he notes that a key difference between the Australian approach and that of countries such as the U.K. and the U.S., where smoking rates have dropped, is that Australia still maintains a hostile attitude towards electronic cigarettes.

While e-cigarettes and vaping devices are legal in Australia, the sale and possession of the nicotine used in them is illegal. Unlike a combustible cigarette which burns tobacco to release the addictive substance, the e-cig heats a liquid to release nicotine; the process doesn’t produce any tar or smoke, which is known to contain “over 7,000 chemicals, of which over 70 cause cancer.” Many ex-smokers in the U.S. and the U.K. have turned to these devices to help them successfully quit cigarettes, and as recently as late July, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced a comprehensive roadmap to reduce nicotine addiction, including plans to encourage innovation of products like e-cigs, which deliver nicotine in a safer way.

Doctors across Australia are now pleading for e-cigarette reform, stating that smokers deserve access to a safer alternative to combustible cigarettes. Dr. Alex Wodak cited a major study conducted by the Royal College of Physicians in England which found vaping to be 95 percent safer than regular cigarettes. He added that Australia should provide easy access to flavored nicotine products, which he says would entice smokers to quit.

Do you think that Australia should change its approach to nicotine laced e-juice? Tell us what you think by commenting below.

U.S. Study Finds That E-Cigarettes Help Smokers Quit Cigarettes

Close up of a hand crushing a pack of cigarettes with white background

U.S. Study Finds That E-Cigarettes Help Smokers Quit Cigarettes

A new U.S. study conducted by the National Institutes of Health examining the correlation between the increase in the use of electronic cigarettes and the change in the overall smoking cessation rate of the population found that e-cig users were more likely to quit smoking when compared to those who didn’t use the smoking cessation device.

Instead of burning tobacco to release nicotine, e-cigarettes vaporize e-juice, a liquid solution containing a mixture of vegetable glycerin, propylene glycol, flavorings, and nicotine, although zero-nicotine options are also available and widely popular among vapers. Citing the many benefits of e-cigarettes such as the absence of smoke, tar, or lingering odor, the vaping industry has long been promoting them as an alternative to smoking combustible cigarettes.

Smoking rates in the U.S. have been declining for decades, aided in part by taxes on tobacco products and anti-smoking campaigns. Until recently, although other nicotine delivery options such as the nicotine patch or gum enjoyed support from the medical community, e-cigs were still reviled and deemed harmful by health authorities. However, the study, which is the largest review of available data on e-cig usage, adds credence to the claim that e-cigarettes can play a significant role in helping smokers quit.

Researchers analyzed and compared survey data from over 160,000 people over almost 15 years. The findings revealed that 65 percent of vapers had tried to stop smoking while only 40 percent of smokers who didn’t use e-cigs had. E-cig users were also more likely to successfully quit cigarettes for at least three months when compared to non-users, 8 percent versus 5 percent. The overall quit rate for 2014 and 2015 was 5.6 percent, an increase of 1.1 percentage point, which, although seems small, represents about 350,000 additional smokers who quit.

According to the study, the “substantial increase in e-cigarette use among US adult smokers was associated with a statistically significant increase in the smoking cessation rate at the population level. These findings need to be weighed carefully in regulatory policy making regarding e-cigarettes and in planning tobacco control interventions.”

Are you an ex-smoker who was able to successfully quit smoking because of e-cigarettes? Share your story with us by commenting below!

3 Tips to Help You Transition from Combustible Cigarettes to E-Cigarettes

Closeup of a man's hand breaking a cigarette in half

Tips to Help You Transition from Combustible Cigarettes to E-Cigarettes

The reasons to transition from combustible cigarettes to e-cigarettes are numerous. E-cigs are a safer alternative to smoking traditional cigarettes, 95 percent safer to be exact, according to the Royal College of Physician’s report titled Nicotine Without Smoke. Not only is vaping a safer and more superior nicotine delivery method, it also allows ex-smokers to maintain the social and ritualistic aspects of smoking, all with no ash, no tar, no smoke, no smell, and no stained teeth. Another research found out Teens who vape would be smoking combustible cigarettes if it weren’t for e-cigs, too. Regardless of your reason for switching to e-cigarettes, the three tips provided below will facilitate your transition.

Tip 1: Purchase the appropriate equipment

The number of options available to vapers can be overwhelming, and while impressive mods may be enticing, we recommend keeping it simple and starting out with one of our practical e-cigarettes, which are popular for their portability and ease of use.

An electronic cigarette works by vaporizing the e-liquid containing nicotine into an aerosol mist that the vaper inhales. It is sleek, inconspicuous, and excellent at mimicking the act of smoking a cigarette while providing you with a satisfying experience.

The disposable e-cigarettes that we carry come fully charged and ready to use. With up to 400 puffs, our e-cigarette delivers thick vapor and rich flavor and is equivalent to two packs of conventional cigarettes, such as tobacco and menthol. If you are looking for the same advantages as the disposable e-cigarette but also want the ability to recharge the battery, we recommend purchasing one of our Logic Power Series Starter Kits, which comes with the convenient and eco-friendly universal USB charger.

Tip 2: Choose the correct nicotine concentration

One of the advantages of vaping is that you can control the level of nicotine in your e-liquid or vape juice. We recommend choosing a higher level to start and maintaining that level in order to combat any nicotine withdrawals that a lower dose may produce.

To decipher the nicotine levels in e-liquids, look at the milligrams (mg/mL) of nicotine indicated on the packaging. For example, if you want to know what 20 mg/mL means, it means that there is 20mg of nicotine per millilitre of e-liquid. Alternatively, the nicotine concentrations can also be expressed as a percentage. For instance, instead of 20mg/mL, you may see 2.0%.

While choosing the right level is partly mathematical, determining the correct nicotine choice will also involve trial and error.

Tip 3: Don’t wait until you’re out of e-liquid or vape juice to reorder

Don’t wait until you’re completely out of e-liquid to order new product. A delay between when you run out and when the product is delivered to you has the potential to create a situation where you may be tempted to revert to the combustible cigarette.

With that fact in mind, we have made it easy for our clients to place recurring orders. Shoppers have the option to deliver new e-liquid every week, every two weeks, every three weeks, or every 4 weeks. What’s more? You can save 4 to 8 percent by choosing our convenient automatic reordering option.

Don’t forget to check out our 4 best tips to reduce your stress levels when trying to quit smoking!

What has made switching to e-cigarettes easier for you? Share your tips with us by commenting below, or tweet us @ILoveECigs.

Here are some of the celebrities you never knew vaped

leonardo dicaprio smoking combustible cigarette

As we know, many people choose to use e-cigarettes in place of the actual thing because they serve as a nicer and healthier alternative to smoking. Vaping has become so popular that various celebrities are now paving the way for smokers who haven’t yet made the transition. Here are just five of the celebrities you never knew vaped.

Johnny Depp


If there’s one person that’s going to persuade you to pack in smoking and switch to e-cigs, it’s Johnny Depp. The king of cool doesn’t just vape when he’s out and about, but on film sets too. And yep, he definitely looks cool while doing it.

Leonardo DiCaprio


Everyone’s favorite Titanic superstar is also a fellow vaper, having been spotted various times with an e-cig in hand.

John Cusack

John Cusack

Actor, producer, screenwriter and, yep, celebrity vapor. Cusack can often be seen puffing away while on sets. He has even featured e-cigs in his movies!

Sienna Miller

Sienna Miller

This gorgeous actress doesn’t get her good looks from puffing on cigarettes all day. She too has thrown in the real thing for e-cigs and has also been spotted on the sets of some of the films she shoots with an e-cig in hand.

Katy Perry

Katy Perry

With a fan base as big as her wacky wardrobe, chances are Katy Perry has influenced a few of her fans to make the switch to e-cigarettes.

We want to hear about your favorite celebrities who vape! Share them with us in the comments below or tweet us @ILoveEcigs.